[wp-forums] codex page titles

Michael B miklb.online at gmail.com
Wed Aug 10 06:55:26 GMT 2005

On 8/10/05, Michael D Adams <mikea at turbonet.com> wrote:
> I don't know anything about MediaWiki, and that's where the issue
> is. The best I can tell you is that the plugin allows whatever
> capitalization (or lack thereof) that MediaWiki allows for a
> particular article. It seems that, typically, multiple
> capitalization schemes point to the same article (even without
> MediaWiki redirects). You might talk to the wiki workgroup list to
> see if anyone can clarify what happens when.
> Michael
> --mdawaffe

OK, I tested it (perhaps I should have done that, before, posting), and the 
codex allows for both capitalization and not. Interesting side note, if I 
type in the url http://codex.wordpress.org/support_forum_volunteers , the 
title at the top is not capitalized.
If I type in http://codex.wordpress.org/Support_Forum_Volunteers , it is 
capitalized on the page.

Thanks. Now this page will come in even more handy: 

Michael B aka miklb
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