[wp-forums] Intro (Lorelle suggested! She did.... I swear...!)

Vicki Frei vkaryl at allvantage.com
Fri Aug 5 03:18:02 GMT 2005

I'm Vkaryl.  First wp blog in February this year.  Specialties?  Umm,
besides being nasty without warning?  Sometimes intuitive fixes without any
real "background" in any of it.... decent grounding in CSS, years in html
(first website in 1998 *rolls eyes* oh well, everyone has to start
somewhere).... Fair memory for abstruse fixes from months back....

I have 7 (8 as of tomorrow) blogs operating, so I have a bunch of places to
test stuff.  I'm getting pretty good at themes (except I haven't a clue how
they look in mac browsers other than what's on the screenie sites which is
generally crap).

I can tweak php, js, etc. but can't write it myself.  I do a pretty good job
of seeing patterns.  I have a big mouth.  I admit when I'm wrong - but I do
my damnedest not to "pronounce" if I'm not fairly positive I'm right.  I use
plugins a lot, but nothing like rss, don't do pings and trackbacks (don't
care....), don't do search engine crap, talk to myself a lot....

The 8th blog, btw, will be my first for someone else (off one of my own). 
That'll be interesting - I want him to have his own theme(s), etc. so will
be doing a lot of digging and searching in codex and on wp-support....

I'm always happy to test stuff, beta stuff, and offer opinions.


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