[wp-edu] Automate Site Creation Process

Neel Shah shah.neel at nyu.edu
Fri Jul 14 17:35:50 UTC 2017

Hi Laurie,

This is Neel Shah from NYU. We do something similar to what you asked for and allow users to create sites based on their university affiliation. You can find an overview of it in the Jennifer sent. 

Feel free to reach out to me at shah.neel at nyu.edu if you have any questions. 


Sent from my iPhone
> On Jul 14, 2017, at 11:24 AM, Laurie Miles <lmiles at unca.edu> wrote:
> Hi Ronnie.
> Thank you for responding. I actually chatted with one of your WPMU DEV's support folks this morning. Her name is Katya Tsihotska. She is going to pursue this issue for me. 
> I don't think filtering our Active Directory for only certain users would work well, as all our faculty, staff, and students have the same email domain, and some users within all those roles would be eligible for one of our WordPress sites.
> I hope this makes sense.
> Thank you.
> Laurie
> Laurie B. Miles
> Instructional Technology Specialist 
> TLT Resources | Digital Scholarship Team Ramsey Library | ​​UNC Asheville
> lmiles at unca.edu |828-251-6630
>> On Fri, Jul 14, 2017 at 11:17 AM, Ronnie Burt <burtrw at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Laurie,
>> I manage the education and hosting services at WPMU DEV (and our sister service, CampusPress). I agree, the Pro Sites plugin may not be designed for this need. I'd be happy to chat about that. I know that for many of our customers, we are able to leverage attributes in something like Active Directory or Shibboleth to limit site creation to certain groups, like just faculty/staff. Perhaps that might be useful for you?
>> Ronnie
>>> On Fri, Jul 14, 2017 at 9:15 AM Laurie Miles <lmiles at unca.edu> wrote:
>>> We are running a WordPress multisite and would like to automate the creation of sites. Our goal is to limit who can create a site while still allowing the user to connect to the wp-signup.php form for automated site registration. We've configured our system so that users who have a university email address will be able to log into the system, and once logged in, create sites. However, our campus policy limits who on the campus can get a WordPress site in our network.
>>> Has anyone set up this type of system, and do you have any suggestions for how we can make it work? I am trying the WPMU DEV Pro Sites plugin, but it's not really intended for this purpose and I'm worried it may cause unwanted anomalies.  
>>> I appreciate any advice you can offer. FYI - I'm new at coding and our budget is tight!
>>> Thank you.
>>> Laurie
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