[wp-edu] WordCamp NYC Ed track

Jane Wells jane at automattic.com
Fri Oct 15 03:06:13 UTC 2010

Hi everyone. Just thought I'd remind people that WordCamp NYC is this 
weekend in Manhattan at Baruch College (CUNY), and will have an academic 
track dedicated to using WordPress (and BuddyPress) in academic 
settings. The schedule is posted at 
http://2010.nyc.wordcamp.org/schedule/ and tickets for the two-day 
conference are only $30. Given the cheap bus fares (and normal, 
affordable trains), people from all over the northeast tend to come, 
especially from the Boston-D.C. corridor.

Anyway, it's going to be awesome, so I hope someone of you are able to 
make it.

Video of the sessions will be posted at wordpress.tv after the event is 


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