As announced on the Docs Team Task List and here, I'll be presenting a program on contributing to the Codex at the WordPress Meetup Group in Portland, Oregon. <a href=""></a><br>
<br>From 6PM to 9PM PST tonight 30 to 60 people will be taking on some of the tasks on the Docs Team Task List as as outlined here: <a href=""></a><br>
<br>It would be greatly appreciated if members of the Docs Team are on hand to keep an eye on <a href=""></a> and the <a href=""></a> P2 site and help out where and when you can. I'm hoping to get some long neglected tasks accomplished and some great ideas for new articles. <br>
<br>Saturday, May 26, 2012, there is an optional Codex BBQ party at my place west of Portland. If there is enough interest, we'll be working on the Codex all day and eating ourselves sick. One of my best friends, an amazing cook, will be here cooking up a storm. Should be great fun. <br>
<br>I've been asked by several WordPress Meetups over the past year on how to create a Codex night for their members. This will be a good experiment and I'll have a report on how it went. <br><br>Thanks!<br><br>Lorelle<br>