[wp-docs] "What's new in WP 2.5" doc?

Lorelle VanFossen lorellevan at gmail.com
Tue Mar 25 22:46:02 GMT 2008

I'm working on such a document, but it won't go live before the release.

The issue you bring up is a serious one. It's also one that WordPress
endures every time there is a major upgrade. Changes bring out the worst in
many. I know that many are hearing loudly the few who don't like it and
ignoring the many who do like it but are silent. Such is how it goes.

What truly makes a difference is not a document in the Codex but everyone
jumping on the enthusiasm, "I published first pics" band wagon, telling the
world about how easy, or difficult, the transition will be. The more
bloggers spreading the word about how to use it, the easier the transition
for everyone as their feed readers are filling with news and information and
how tos by everyone.

Right now, things are jumping in the design and I don't think anyone has
time to change screen shots every few hours or days, so if someone wants to
jump on this now, go ahead, but update the images when they change, please,
in order to ensure they match reality on the fast changing ground of
WordPress 2.5.

The rest of you, try out the beta release and get your screenshots up and
let the world know how to use it via your blogs. Grassroots is what makes
WordPress documentation even stronger. :D

Thanks. And expect a lot of changes in the Codex to accommodate the new
interface over the next couple of months. There are a LOT of changes to

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