[wp-docs] Article on Rewrites and Redirects

Lorelle VanFossen lorelle at cameraontheroad.com
Tue Jun 28 19:49:45 GMT 2005

A volunteer started an article on rewrites, based upon personal 
experience, and realized later that he had absolutely inadequate skills 
to complete such a document. He's asked us to clean it up and expand it, 
saying that there is no more he can do.  Working with him, we've 
completely rewritten the article, but both of us have gone as far as we can.

Would someone(s) familiar with migration and rewrites and redirects 
please help us to expand and finish the article so it may be moved out 
into the rest of the documentation. This is not an article about the 
entire process of rewrites, but a guide to help users make the 
transition and point them towards more documentation.


Thank you,


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