[wp-design] Re: Shuttle Way Forward

Joshua Sigar jls_online at yahoo.com
Wed May 3 00:43:05 GMT 2006

> * Work should not be done in private

I agree with this from the outset. wp-hackers is one
successful mailing list.

> * Design by committee doesn't work, better to break
> up tasks and let 
> individual people focus on one section

The way I see it, that's what we've been doing. (But I
guess it's just perspective issue.)
individual people = shuttle team
one section = admin design

> * Focus on lots of incremental changes, rather than
> giant redesigns (you 
> end up in the same place, and probably sooner)

The implementation/coding could be incremental, but
the design/mock-up has to be pretty much finalized
before start implementing.

> * Document the process and decisions along the way

...and more importantly, stick to them unless there is
very, very good reason not to.

> * Code concurrently with the designs (and iterate)

Well, I mentioned it previously. Finalize the design
before coding. Because we can finish the design of a
section, move on to the next section and find out that
the next section won't fit the theme set by previous
section. Then the previous section needs to be tweaked
or re-hauled...

> * Don't hype it, expectations get out of control

Doesn't matter to me.

> * Avoid scope creep of features into designs

So true; we're guilty of this.

> * Set a deadline and stick to it

Ideally. But this flesh is weak and my employer owns

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