[wp-design] Shuttle Dash

Joen Asmussen joen at noscope.com
Sun Sep 25 21:02:01 GMT 2005

To be honest, my gut feeling is we should keep the dashboard simple -- 
simpler than it is now, and let it be just that: "Welcome to the 
Wordpress admin". Except for the obvious design niceties we'll be doing, 
I'd want this:

* Less blog posts aggregated (imho, 5 - 8 are more than enough: do 
anyone read any more?)
* Less WP blog posts (2 newest?)
* Drafts to the top
* 2 or 3 column layout, not the current one with a floating box on the 

I'll hopefully get time to do some sketches soon!

Michael Heilemann wrote:

> Highlighting the dev blogs is a good idea; except most of the stuff on 
> there is irrelevant to 99% of the people using WP.
> I think it would be cooler to aggregate something like Planet 
> WordPress or something like it. Skim the cream so to speak...
> I never installed any Dashboard 'Widgets', so I don't know what's out 
> there, but I think there's a lot of possibilities for it.
> On 9/24/05, *Chris Davis * <chrisdmitri at gmail.com 
> <mailto:chrisdmitri at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     So I guess I should do that, since I have already written a Shortstat
>     plugin as well... Bah.  The Dashboard is a very active place of
>     contention.
>     Had it stayed the way I had designed it way back when (tm) things
>     would be better, but Matt wanted to highlight the dev blog news,
>     which
>     is honestly a good idea.  I just don't fancy it being that prominent.
>     On other thing we need to think about is using an xml-rpc webservice
>     to notify users when there is an update to WP.  I am working on
>     one of
>     those for K2 right now.  It would greatly simplify the process of
>     getting users to upgrade when there is a security update.
>     I mention this so we can think about how to integrate it visually.
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> -- 
> Aloha,
> Michael Heilemann
> http://binarybonsai.com
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Joen Asmussen

ICQ: 2462161, AIM: workjoen

work: www.titoonic.dk <http://www.titoonic.dk> | private: 
www.noscope.com <http://www.noscope.com> & www.turtleshell.com 

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