[spam-stopper] Re: [Simple SEO] Please moderate: "PHP PDF Generation"

Mike Little mike at zed1.com
Tue May 23 12:50:09 UTC 2006

On 5/22/06, Eric A. Meyer <eric at meyerweb.com> wrote:
> >I don't know what's going on but in the last 12 hours these guys
> >have been getting through Akismet with tons of spam.
> >
> >I'm marking them manually, but still more get through. Something may be amiss?
>     If it helps at all, I've been seeing the same thing with the same
> kinds of messages.  I've manually marked about 100 over the past few
> days (which has left me seriously wishing for a way to mass-edit
> messages as spam).

Try this plugin http://www.coldforged.org/paged-comment-editing-plugin/
I've been using it for a few months now and it's been great for
handling comments en masse. A nice feature is that you can specify how
many to display on the page.

Mike Little

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