[spam-stopper] 4 Trackback Spams

Matt Mullenweg m at mullenweg.com
Fri Sep 30 02:17:09 UTC 2005

Unteins (Jason Goldsmith) wrote:
> I got 4 trackback spams last night. Marked them as spam, so they are 
> there for review.
> About the only interesting tidbit was one said something about banning 
> poker spam or something like that, but it was in fact, poker spam.
> The other 3 seemed like typical trackback spam.

Thanks for the reports everyone!

I've updated everything to better protect against this type of attack.

Remember to mark anything that gets through as "spam" so I can use all 
that data to better protect everyone.

Matt Mullenweg
http://photomatt.net  | http://wordpress.org
http://pingomatic.com | http://cnet.com

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