[spam-stopper] New plugin and welcome

Matt Mullenweg m at mullenweg.com
Sun Sep 25 05:36:10 UTC 2005

Vinit Carpenter wrote:
> Hi Matt.  I've been using your new spam-stopper plugin for the last
> few days and it's worked great -- My question is should the plugin
> mark the spam messages as spam and then disappear or should they show
> up as comments that need moderation?  I am getting a lot of emails
> about comments that need moderation.  Is that the correct behaviour? 

They should be marked as spam and then disappear. There is a bug 
*somewhere* where even after being marked as spam they can end up in 
moderation anyway, not sure where in the flow it's getting lost.

Matt Mullenweg
  http://photomatt.net | http://wordpress.org
http://pingomatic.com | http://cnet.com

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