[gravatar-polygots] Some comments about i18n of Gravatar

Milan Dinić liste at srpski.biz
Mon Mar 2 22:23:24 GMT 2009

I finished translation and it went live, so here are some things I saw and
that should be noted.

1) Non-gettexted strings

There are still strings that can't be translated since they aren't in pot
file. Whole image cropping page is in this, then there is pop-up on /emails
page for confirmation of e-mail and text "primary" on that page, button
"Add" on /emails/new page, link "Close This Window" on help pop-up on
/gravatars/new/webcam, on /site/check text "How your gravatar looks on sites
using the following ratings" and text below avatars. like "G or better", and
finally e-mail sent for confirming e-mail addresses. Also I see that flash
for taking pictures from web camera is on English but I don't know could
this be i18n, it's not something important, but if it can't you should note
that so that we don't translate name of flash buttons in help

2) Accept language headers

I expected that when I go to http://www.gravatar.com or
http://gravatar.comI get redirected based on my language preferences
sent by browser in headers
but instead all redirections go to en.gravatar.com

I don't know did you even planned this, but I think that redirection from
this two URLs should work based on language preferences, so if user's
language in header is one of existing languages in Gravatar it should be
redirected to that Gravatar's version, and if that language is not available
then to be redirected to default English version.

3) Fixed size

Sizes for some elements are fixed, so text that is longer then English one
is npt completely visible or it is splitted in two lines. Examples are
dropdown menus on top (fixed at 130 and 70 pixels) or text "file" near file
upload field on /gravatars/new/computer/ or button "Set Password" on page
If this can't be i18n, same as in flash case, it should be noted so that
translators be careful and put shorter strings.

4) gravatar or Gravatar

There is non-consistent use of this term in all English text. I can't know
when there is "gravatar" (without upper-case capital letter) is it meant on
avatar (image) or on name of service (Gravatar). This is small gramaticall
issue that is not so important but I still want to note it :)

This is everything for now.
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