[glotpress-updates] [GlotPress] #374: Rewrite gp_title() to reduce similar strings

GlotPress noreply at wordpress.org
Mon Nov 24 12:39:43 UTC 2014

#374: Rewrite gp_title() to reduce similar strings
  Reporter:  ramiy       |      Owner:  joostdevalk
      Type:              |     Status:  assigned
  enhancement            |  Milestone:  Awaiting Review
  Priority:  normal      |    Version:
 Component:  General     |   Keywords:  dev-feedback has-patch needs-
Resolution:              |  testing
Changes (by joostdevalk):

 * keywords:  dev-feedback needs-patch => dev-feedback has-patch needs-


 So this patch:
 * removes the sitename from all title sets
 * adds it back through a function called `gp_title_sitename`, that's also
 the name of the corresponding filter
 * removes all `esc_html()` instances and puts it back in one spot only:
 when it's echoed

Ticket URL: <https://glotpress.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/374#comment:7>
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