[glotpress-updates] [GlotPress] #311: something and usually it's byte age

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Sat May 3 20:01:10 UTC 2014

#311: something and usually it's byte age
 Reporter:  mayanina795    |      Owner:
     Type:  defect         |     Status:  new
 Priority:  normal         |  Milestone:
Component:  Accessibility  |    Version:
 Keywords:                 |
 something and usually it's byte age of  that your you start to see this
 decline and you are metabolism so that's the time that wended to start
 thinking about what are we going to do now here's the other is shipped we
 now have the clicker use that you never get up anymore and change the TV
 channel you have your cell phone so people have the phone right next to
 them they don't have to run to grab the fun you have a food processor
 you're not
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  chopping your vegetables soave  another button you push in the garage
 door opened I where is your washing machine and dryer I happen to live in
 an old house to mine is still in the basement but when you look now the
 washer and dryer usually right up stairs in a very convenient location so
 you don't have to climb the stairs or go up and down the stairs to do the
 laundry anymore well they sound like kind of minor things but there in
 that little bit that can make the difference between you gaining a little
 bit of weight are you maintaining that level love where you were and so be
 thinking about what are all those things and here's another example love a
 man who is going to go to his health club he gets out of work mayhap Ennis
 Carney drives home and he gets his close together and it goes outside to
 talk to Nate to the neighborhood kid next door is going to cut this grass
 form he gets in the car drives two miles to the health club circles the
 parking lot could make
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 sure we can find a space that's close to the door van get fatter the car
 and is he has to go up a flight of stairs but that they take the stairs
 now is waiting for the elevator so we take the elevator up and a kind of
 the same thanks so here wearer now paying a lot of money to go get our
 exercise when there are so many things we can actually be doing at home to
 get that exercise and again to go back to my Italy trip with the students
 I lost
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 weight when I was in Italy everybody thank you last way how could you
 possibly lose way I said I a well I really did but we I had no car and
 where the classroom was aware I with living in Italy we were in the old
 part thereof love Florence and I walked everywhere and I walked back and

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