[glotpress-updates] [GlotPress] #300: Branching: make process interactive and progressive

GlotPress noreply at wordpress.org
Tue Apr 29 06:59:52 UTC 2014

#300: Branching: make process interactive and progressive
 Reporter:  yoavf        |      Owner:
     Type:  enhancement  |     Status:  new
 Priority:  normal       |  Milestone:  Future Release
Component:  interface    |    Version:  0.1
 Keywords:               |
 The branching operation (introduced in #65) copies an entire project into
 a new one, including all of the originals, translations sets and

 This can be really slow, and in some cases, it might make sense to ignore
 obsolete originals, emptry translations sets, or non-current translations.

 When branching a project, the user should be presented with some options
 related to the above.

 Additionally, it would be great if the when run, the process would
 progressively output the tasks it's currently doing or just some kind of a
 progress bar. (i.e. "Duplicating originals 10%...  )

Ticket URL: <https://glotpress.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/300>
GlotPress <https://glotpress.trac.wordpress.org>
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