[buddypress-dev] bp-messages-admin.php - missing?

Andy Peatling andypeatling at automattic.com
Mon Jun 23 20:28:42 GMT 2008

On 21-Jun-08, at 5:11 PM, David J. Bisset wrote:

> I found an older copy of bp-core.php, and comparing it to the latest  
> bp-core, there appears to be a chunk of functions missing including  
> bp_int(). Now, these functions could have been easily moved  
> elsewhere but a quick search reveals nothing. So it appears maybe  
> they are missing? The chunk is below. I took this chunk from 0.1.3  
> core and put it in the latest bp-core.php and so far i'm not getting  
> fatal errors. I'm sure Andy can clear this up?

I've taken these out of the core for now, as I don't want to be  
tagging core versions with code in it that applies to a yet untagged  

For now, I will add these functions back into the groups code.


> // get the IDs of user blogs in a comma-separated list for use in  
> SQL statements
> function bp_get_blog_ids_of_user( $id, $all = false ) {
> 	$blogs = get_blogs_of_user( $id, $all );
> 	$blog_ids = "";
> 	if ( $blogs && count($blogs) > 0 ){
> 		foreach( $blogs as $blog ) {
> 			$blog_ids .= $blog->blog_id.",";
> 		}
> 	}
> 	$blog_ids = trim( $blog_ids, "," );
> 	return $blog_ids;
> }
> // return a tick for a checkbox for a true boolean value
> function bp_boolean_ticked($bool) {
> 	if ( $bool ) {
> 		return " checked=\"checked\"";
> 	}
> 	return "";
> }
> // return a tick for a checkbox for a particular value
> function bp_value_ticked( $var, $value ) {
> 	if ( $var == $value ) {
> 		return " checked=\"checked\"";
> 	}
> 	return "";
> }
> // return true for a boolean value from a checkbox
> function bp_boolean( $value = 0 ) {
> 	if ( $value != "" ) {
> 		return 1;
> 	} else {
> 		return 0;
> 	}
> }
> // return an integer
> function bp_int( $var, $nullToOne=false ) {
> 	if ( @$var == "" ) {
> 		if ( $nullToOne ) {
> 			return 1;
> 		} else {
> 			return 0;
> 		}
> 	} else {
> 		return (int)$var;
> 	}
> }
> // show a friendly date
> function bp_friendly_date($timestamp) {
> 	// set the timestamp to now if it hasn't been given
> 	if ( strlen($timestamp) == 0 )
> 		$timestamp = time();
> 	// create the date string
> 	if ( date( "m", $timestamp ) == date("m") && date( "d",  
> $timestamp ) == date("d") - 1 && date( "Y", $timestamp ) ==  
> date("Y") ) {
> 		return "yesterday at " . date( "g:i a", $timestamp );
> 	} else if ( date( "m", $timestamp ) == date("m") && date( "d",  
> $timestamp ) == date("d") && date( "Y", $timestamp ) == date("Y") ) {
> 		return "at " . date( "g:i a", $timestamp );
> 	} else if ( date( "m", $timestamp) == date("m") && date( "d",  
> $timestamp ) > date("d") - 5 && date( "Y", $timestamp ) ==  
> date("Y") ) {
> 		return "on " . date( "l", $timestamp ) . " at " . date( "g:i a",  
> $timestamp );
> 	} else if ( date( "Y", $timestamp) == date("Y") ) {
> 		return "on " . date( "F jS", $timestamp );
> 	} else {
> 		return "on " . date( "F jS Y", $timestamp );
> 	}
> }
> // search users
> function bp_search_users( $q, $start = 0, $num = 10 ) {
> 	if ( trim($q) != "" ) {
> 		global $wpdb;
> 		global $current_user;
> 		$sql = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS id, user_login, display_name,  
> user_nicename
> 		 		FROM " . $wpdb->base_prefix . "users
> 				WHERE (user_nicename like '%" . $wpdb->escape($q) . "%'
> 				OR user_email like '%" . $wpdb->escape($q) . "%'
> 				OR display_name like '%" . $wpdb->escape($q) . "%')
> 				AND (id <> " . $current_user->ID . " and id > 1)
> 				LIMIT " . $wpdb->escape($start) . ", " . $wpdb->escape($num) .  
> ";";
> 		if ( !$users = $wpdb->get_results($sql) ) {
> 			return false;
> 		}
> 		$rows = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT found_rows() AS found_rows" );
> 		if ( is_array($users) && count($users) > 0 ) {
> 			for ( $i = 0; $i < count($users); $i++ ) {
> 				$user          = $users[$i];
> 				$user->siteurl = $user->user_url;
> 				$user->blogs   = "";
> 				$user->blogs   = get_blogs_of_user($user->id);
> 				$user->rows    = $rows;
> 			}
> 			return $users;
> 		} else {
> 			return false;
> 		}
> 	} else {
> 		return false;
> 	}
> }
> // return a ' if the text ends in an "s", or "'s" otherwise
> function bp_end_with_s( $string ) {
> 	if ( substr( strtolower($string), - 1 ) == "s" ) {
> 		return $string . "'";
> 	} else {
> 		return $string . "'s";
> 	}
> }
> // pluralise a string
> function bp_plural( $num, $ifone = "", $ifmore = "s" ) {
> 	if ( bp_int($num) != 1 ) {
> 		return $ifmore;
> 	} else {
> 		return $ifone;
> 	}
> }
> -- 
> David Bisset
> Director of Web Development
> Dimension Media, Inc.
> www.dimensionmedia.com
> http://www.linkedin.com/in/davidbisset
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