[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #14481: Shortcode Enhancements

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Fri Jul 30 22:37:24 UTC 2010

#14481: Shortcode Enhancements
 Reporter:  deadowl      |       Owner:                 
     Type:  enhancement  |      Status:  new            
 Priority:  normal       |   Milestone:  Awaiting Review
Component:  Shortcodes   |     Version:                 
 Severity:  normal       |    Keywords:                 
 Somewhat of a copy of a post to wp-hackers: I wrote my own implementation
 of shortcodes. It does things a bit
 differently, has nested evaluation, and allows self-nesting. Since
 there are some significant differences to the existing implementation,

 A lot of the changes are borrowed
 from definitions in the HTML specification (particularly name and
 attribute matching). The following are the comments at the top of my
 shortcode file. I tried to keep track of all the differences (and
 questions) there.

 From Test Cases
 Shortcode Statuses (to implement, or not to implement?)
         enabled = the shortcode works as normal (default)
         strip = the shortcode will be parsed and removed.  e.g.
 '[shortcode foo="bar"]' produces ''.  '[shortcode]foo[/shortcode]'
 produces 'foo'.
         faux = the shortcode will be abbreviated.  e.g. '[shortcode
 foo="bar"]' products '[shortcode]'.  '[shortocde]foo[/shortcode]'
 produces '[shortcode]'
         disabled = the shortcode is not parsed at all.  e.g.
 '[shortcode foo="bar"]' products '[shortcode foo="bar"]'

 Major Differences/Improvements:
 I. Addressing http://codex.wordpress.org/Shortcode_API#Limitations

        1. You can nest any tag at any depth regardless of ancestors
 (Ticket #10702)

        2. Tag and attribute names may match
 /[A-Za-z][-A-Za-z0-9_:.]*//* (trialing /* because that comment ends),
           with case-insensitive interpretation

        3. Interpretation doesn't get tripped up by things like hyphens

 II. Addressing Ticket #12760,

        1. Changed from fix in #6518
           Reasoning: balancing double-square-brackets can have
 misleading results with nesting

        2. Shortcodes escapable by using [[, ]]

        3. ']]' is escaped "right to left", so '[shortcode]]]' would
 evaluate to 'result]'

        4. '[[' is escaped left to right '[[[shortcode]]]' => '[result]'

 III. Enhancements

        1. Only matches valid shortcode for registered hooks,
 everything else will appear as text

        2. Can register multiple hooks to single shortcode, uses
 priority (default: 10)

 IV. Conflicting Design Changes

        1. Quoted literals are escaped by entities rather than cslashes

        2. Inline (self-closing) shortcodes get passed content to
 accomodate multiple callbacks

        3. No equivalent to shortcode_parse_atts function
           (Not marked private in function reference, but not
 documented in shortcode API page)

        4. Boolean attributes take the place of positional attributes
           [foo bar] gets attributes array('bar' => 'bar') instead of
 array('0' => 'bar')

        5. Disallows attribute and tag names that don't match

        6. Disallows unquoted attribute values (also boolean
 attributes), unless they match /[-A-Za-z0-9_:.]+/

 Basic Interpretation Method:
 1. If an open tag is encountered, it is added to the stack

 2. If a close tag is encountered and there is no matching open tag on the
   the close tag is ignored

 3. If a close tag is encountered and there is a matching open tag on the
   all opened tags on the stack before the matched tag will be
 implicitly self-closed

 4. If text or an inline tag is encountered, it will be evaluated to its
   content immediately

 5. If tags are not closed by the end of the interpretation, they will
 be implicitly

 1. Haven't written new unit tests to reflect new functionality added,
 functionality differences

 2. Documentation is not as good (though I hope most of the code is

 3. Not 100% backwards compatible

Ticket URL: <http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/14481>
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