[wp-testers] word press and php errors still

Marvin Hunkin startrekcafe at gmail.com
Tue Sep 28 12:09:54 UTC 2010

got wamp installed and now made sure the all services are online and it is checked.
but when i try to run word press from wp admin and install getting this error.
how do i fix this.
any ideas, or any where i could get help.
maybe from the official word press.
getting frustrated.
ps: how to turn php off.
and how to turn it on.
please help me out if possible.
ps: will paste below.

Error: PHP is not running
WordPress requires that your web server is running PHP. Your server does not have PHP installed, or PHP is turned off.


get_var("SHOW TABLES LIKE '$wpdb->users'") != null ); // Ensure that Blogs appear in search engines by default $blog_public = 1; if ( ! empty( $_POST ) ) $blog_public = isset( $_POST['blog_public'] ); $weblog_title = isset( $_POST['weblog_title'] ) ? trim( stripslashes( $_POST['weblog_title'] ) ) : ''; $user_name = isset($_POST['user_name']) ? trim( stripslashes( $_POST['user_name'] ) ) : 'admin'; $admin_password = isset($_POST['admin_password']) ? trim( stripslashes( $_POST['admin_password'] ) ) : ''; $admin_email = isset( $_POST['admin_email'] ) ? trim( stripslashes( $_POST['admin_email'] ) ) : ''; if ( ! is_null( $error ) ) { ?> 




db_version(); $php_compat = version_compare( $php_version, $required_php_version, '>=' ); $mysql_compat = version_compare( $mysql_version, $required_mysql_version, '>=' ) || file_exists( WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/db.php' ); if ( !$mysql_compat && !$php_compat ) $compat = sprintf( __('You cannot install because WordPress %1$s requires PHP version %2$s or higher and MySQL version %3$s or higher. You are running PHP version %4$s and MySQL version %5$s.'), $wp_version, $required_php_version, $required_mysql_version, $php_version, $mysql_version ); elseif ( !$php_compat ) $compat = sprintf( __('You cannot install because WordPress %1$s requires PHP version %2$s or higher. You are running version %3$s.'), $wp_version, $required_php_version, $php_version ); elseif ( !$mysql_compat ) $compat = sprintf( __('You cannot install because WordPress %1$s requires MySQL version %2$s or higher. You are running version %3$s.'), $wp_version, $required_mysql_version, $mysql_version ); if ( !$mysql_compat || !$php_compat ) { display_header(); die(' 
' . __('Insufficient Requirements') . '
' . $compat . '

'); } switch($step) { case 0: // Step 1 case 1: // Step 1, direct link. display_header(); ?> 

error ) ) wp_die( $wpdb->error->get_error_message() ); display_header(); // Fill in the data we gathered $weblog_title = isset( $_POST['weblog_title'] ) ? trim( stripslashes( $_POST['weblog_title'] ) ) : ''; $user_name = isset($_POST['user_name']) ? trim( stripslashes( $_POST['user_name'] ) ) : 'admin'; $admin_password = isset($_POST['admin_password']) ? $_POST['admin_password'] : ''; $admin_password_check = isset($_POST['admin_password2']) ? $_POST['admin_password2'] : ''; $admin_email = isset( $_POST['admin_email'] ) ?trim( stripslashes( $_POST['admin_email'] ) ) : ''; $public = isset( $_POST['blog_public'] ) ? (int) $_POST['blog_public'] : 0; // check e-mail address $error = false; if ( empty( $user_name ) ) { // TODO: poka-yoke display_setup_form( __('you must provide a valid username.') ); $error = true; } elseif ( $user_name != sanitize_user( $user_name, true ) ) { display_setup_form( __('the username you provided has invalid characters.') ); $error = true; } elseif ( $admin_password != $admin_password_check ) { // TODO: poka-yoke display_setup_form( __( 'your passwords do not match. Please try again' ) ); $error = true; } else if ( empty( $admin_email ) ) { // TODO: poka-yoke display_setup_form( __( 'you must provide an e-mail address.' ) ); $error = true; } elseif ( ! is_email( $admin_email ) ) { // TODO: poka-yoke display_setup_form( __( 'that isn't a valid e-mail address. E-mail addresses look like: username at example.com' ) ); $error = true; } if ( $error === false ) { $wpdb->show_errors(); $result = wp_install($weblog_title, $user_name, $admin_email, $public, '', $admin_password); extract( $result, EXTR_SKIP ); ?> 

      '; echo " 

      "; ?>  

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