[wp-testers] Duplicate slug not possible for separate items problem

Otto otto at ottodestruct.com
Wed Sep 1 05:25:06 UTC 2010

Also, category is not a valid thing to place in the permalink string
and expect it to make a difference. Posts all live in the same space,
they don't get differentiated by categories, the categories are an
*attribute* of the posts.

So if you use category/postname as your permalink string, then the
category is essentially ignored. Go ahead, set your permalink string
to %category%/%postname%. Then go to one of your posts, like
http://example.com/cat1/post-name. Then change the "cat1" to a
non-existent category in your URL, like
http://example.com/cheese/post-name. You'll find you get the same

Categories don't work the way you're trying to use them, and it's
unlikely that they ever will. Categories are not namespaces for posts
to fit into, they're more like tags.


On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 9:03 PM, Yi-iT <cnyiit at gmail.com> wrote:
> i cannot create the duplicate category slug
> name in different parent category

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