[wp-testers] Feeds not publishing on 2.5.1

Kirk M kmb42vt at gmail.com
Mon Apr 28 15:51:34 GMT 2008

Matt Moore wrote:
> That fixed it, thank you.
> DD32 wrote:
>> I've re-opened the bug with a patch
>> http://trac.wordpress.org/attachment/ticket/6460/6460.diff
>> If you remove the slashes, and then force a DB Upgrade, it should 
>> work Allright
>> To force a database upgrade:
>> Browse to /wp-admin/options.php
>> Scroll down to "db_version"
>> Set it to a number one below current, eg, mine is 7796 so i'd set it 
>> to 7795
>> Hit save changes
>> Continue to upgrade the DB and try the feeds again.

Okay, I have to admit I'm confused here perhaps you could clear a couple 
things up for me.

I've checked a couple blogs that I'm very familiar with against my own 
(none have their installs in it's own directory BTW ie: no "/wordpress/" 
in the url and all feeds are populated correctly) just to see what there 
was to see. We're all running on the same hosting service, same PHP & 
SQL version etc.

The first blog I checked is running 2.3.3 and shows the following feeds 
when checked in Firefox's "Page info"

(Theme is "K2")

RSS 2.0 (feed url has "/feed/" at the end)
RSS .92 (feed url has "/feed/rss/" at the end)
Atom .03 (feed url has "/feed/atom/" at the end)

The other is running 2.5 and shows only:

(Theme is "Misty Look")

RSS (feed url has "/?feed=rss2" at the end)

Mine running on 2.5.1 however, shows:

(Theme is "Blog.txt")

RSS (feed url has "/feed/" at the end)
RSS (feed url has "/comments/feed/" at the end)

I'm the only one who shows a comments feed but my feeds are not 
identified as to what type. The second blog only has a single 
type-identified posts feed and the first identifies the types of posts 
feeds but also has no comments feed. So which one is correct? Is it a 
function of the theme as to which feeds are allowed out of the site? 
I've never really known exactly how much the theme affects feeds.

Also, in your fix for the empty feeds problem the "db-version" is 
located in "/wp-includes/version.php" not "/wp-admin/options.php" in 
2.5.1 or have I missed something here? :)

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