[wp-testers] Breadcrumb Plugin

Christopher Windsor turk at hotelblues.com
Fri Jun 1 09:21:21 GMT 2007

I'm trying out the latest svn and I've noticed the breadcrumb
stopped working when ever a person views a category page. It still
functions correctly on archives, dates, search, etc...


My games cat on 2.2 shows as Hotelblues.com »
In 2.3 it shows up as Hotelblues.com »<http://beta.hotelblues.com/cat/games/>

I believe it has something to do with the changes to categories. But I have
no real knowledge of php to really figure it out on my own. I think it's the
below code that is at fault:

function get_breadcrumb_category($breadcrumb, $params)
> {
>   global $wp_query;
>   if ($wp_query->is_category)
>   {
>     $object = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
>     // Parents.
>     $parent_id  = $object->category_parent;
>     $parents    = array();
>     while ($parent_id)
>     {
>       $category   = get_category($parent_id);
>       if ($params["link_none"])
>         $parents[]  = $category->cat_name;
>       else
>         $parents[]  = '<a href="'.get_category_link($parent->term_id).'"
> title="'.$parent->cat_name.'">'.$parent->cat_name.'</a>';
>       $parent_id  = $category->category_parent;
>     }
>     // Parents were retrieved in reverse order.
>     $parents    = array_reverse($parents);
>     $breadcrumb = array_merge($breadcrumb, $parents);
>     // Current category.
>     if ((breadcrumb_is_paged() || $params["link_all"]) &&
> !$params["link_none"])
>       $breadcrumb[] = '<a href="'.get_category_link($object->cat_ID).'"
> title="'.$object->cat_name.'">'.$object->cat_name.'</a>';
>     else
>       $breadcrumb[] = $object->cat_name;
>   }
>   return $breadcrumb;
> }

 Any ideas what I need to do to make this code work?

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