[wp-testers] Revision #3389

David House dmhouse at gmail.com
Mon Jan 2 11:06:24 GMT 2006

On 02/01/06, Ryan Boren <ryan at boren.nu> wrote:
> Suggestions on UI and phrasing?

The third is superfluous. If I'm reading it correctly, we'd give them
the option of making the URI for their upload folder different to the
system path (presumably through mod_rewrite trickery). I don't think
this is a well-requested option, is it? If people choose to have their
images upload to, say ABSPATH . 'wp-content/bob', then their URI can
be example.com/wp-content/bob. No point giving them the extra
flexibility of having it at example.com/my-great-images when it won't
be used (and that third option is bound to confuse).

-David House, dmhouse at gmail.com, http://xmouse.ithium.net

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