[wp-testers] Some observations.

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Sun Sep 4 20:56:41 GMT 2005

wys bar on.
Write Post
This is a
(then click More)

Switch wys bar off.
Edit draft, see:
this is a <img width="100%" height="10" 
class="mce_plugin_wordpress_more" title="More..." alt="More..." 
/>test<br />

wys bar on.
When More is clicked, could the cursor be automatically placed under the 
newly generated line ? As it is, it is not visible and the user has to 
press Return to get it to where it should be.

Write Page > Save as draft
This will be a future option ?

I've told Firas about this using wys and his ContactForm plugin.
wys on.
manually insert <!--contact form--> into page.
the resulting page works.
Edit same page
The tag isn't there, it's invisible.
Type a word
save page
Look at result and the contact form is still there and the word I typed 
has appeared at the top of the page too.
(Plugin problem maybe, but odd.)

Saving / Publishing
It's quite amusing seeing the content disappear, followed several 
seconds later by the title.


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