<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>[19842] trunk/wp-content/themes: Initial import of the Twenty Twelve theme, by Drew Strojny.</title>
<style type="text/css"><!--
#msg dl.meta { border: 1px #006 solid; background: #369; padding: 6px; color: #fff; }
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<div id="msg">
<dl class="meta">
<dt>Revision</dt> <dd><a href="http://core.trac.wordpress.org/changeset/19842">19842</a></dd>
<dt>Author</dt> <dd>matt</dd>
<dt>Date</dt> <dd>2012-02-06 22:23:41 +0000 (Mon, 06 Feb 2012)</dd>
<h3>Log Message</h3>
<pre>Initial import of the Twenty Twelve theme, by Drew Strojny. This time around we're trying something different than the previous twenty-something themes, a much more minimalist approach that affords easy use as a CMS in addition to being blog-forward. More information will be on wpdevel soon. Props drewstrojny and lancewillett.</pre>
<h3>Added Paths</h3>
<li><a href="#trunkwpcontentthemestwentytwelve404php">trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/404.php</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkwpcontentthemestwentytwelvearchivephp">trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/archive.php</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkwpcontentthemestwentytwelveauthorphp">trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/author.php</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkwpcontentthemestwentytwelvecommentsphp">trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/comments.php</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkwpcontentthemestwentytwelvecontentpagephp">trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/content-page.php</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkwpcontentthemestwentytwelvecontentsinglephp">trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/content-single.php</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkwpcontentthemestwentytwelvecontentphp">trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/content.php</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkwpcontentthemestwentytwelvefooterphp">trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/footer.php</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkwpcontentthemestwentytwelvefunctionsphp">trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/functions.php</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkwpcontentthemestwentytwelveheaderphp">trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/header.php</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkwpcontentthemestwentytwelveimagephp">trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/image.php</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkwpcontentthemestwentytwelveimagesflowersjpg">trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/images/flowers.jpg</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkwpcontentthemestwentytwelveindexphp">trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/index.php</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkwpcontentthemestwentytwelvejshtml5js">trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/js/html5.js</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkwpcontentthemestwentytwelvelanguagestwentytwelvepot">trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/languages/twentytwelve.pot</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkwpcontentthemestwentytwelvelicensetxt">trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/license.txt</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkwpcontentthemestwentytwelvepagephp">trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/page.php</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkwpcontentthemestwentytwelvereadmetxt">trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/readme.txt</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkwpcontentthemestwentytwelvertlcss">trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/rtl.css</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkwpcontentthemestwentytwelvescreenshotpng">trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/screenshot.png</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkwpcontentthemestwentytwelvesearchphp">trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/search.php</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkwpcontentthemestwentytwelvesidebarphp">trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/sidebar.php</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkwpcontentthemestwentytwelvesinglephp">trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/single.php</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkwpcontentthemestwentytwelvestylecss">trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/style.css</a></li>
<div id="patch">
<a id="trunkwpcontentthemestwentytwelve404php"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/404.php (0 => 19842)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/404.php         (rev 0)
+++ trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/404.php        2012-02-06 22:23:41 UTC (rev 19842)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ * The template for displaying 404 pages (Not Found).
+ *
+ * @package WordPress
+ * @subpackage Twenty_Twelve
+ * @since Twenty Twelve 1.0
+ */
+get_header(); ?>
+        <div id="primary">
+                <div id="content" role="main">
+                        <article id="post-0" class="post error404 not-found">
+                                <header class="entry-header">
+                                        <h1 class="entry-title"><?php _e( 'This is somewhat embarrassing, isn&rsquo;t it?', 'twentytwelve' ); ?></h1>
+                                </header>
+                                <div class="entry-content">
+                                        <p><?php _e( 'It seems we can&rsquo;t find what you&rsquo;re looking for. Perhaps searching, or one of the links below, can help.', 'twentytwelve' ); ?></p>
+                                        <?php get_search_form(); ?>
+                                </div><!-- .entry-content -->
+                        </article><!-- #post-0 -->
+                </div><!-- #content -->
+        </div><!-- #primary -->
+<?php get_footer(); ?>
</ins><span class="cx">\ No newline at end of file
</span><span class="cx">Property changes on: trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/404.php
</span><span class="cx">___________________________________________________________________
<a id="svneolstyle"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: svn:eol-style</h4></div>
<a id="trunkwpcontentthemestwentytwelvearchivephp"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/archive.php (0 => 19842)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/archive.php         (rev 0)
+++ trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/archive.php        2012-02-06 22:23:41 UTC (rev 19842)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+ * The template for displaying Archive pages.
+ *
+ * @package WordPress
+ * @subpackage Twenty_Twelve
+ * @since Twenty Twelve 1.0
+ */
+get_header(); ?>
+        <section id="primary">
+                <div id="content" role="main">
+                <?php if ( have_posts() ) : ?>
+                        <header class="page-header">
+                                <h1 class="page-title">
+                                        <?php if ( is_day() ) : ?>
+                                                <?php printf( __( 'Daily Archives: %s', 'twentytwelve' ), '<span>' . get_the_date() . '</span>' ); ?>
+                                        <?php elseif ( is_month() ) : ?>
+                                                <?php printf( __( 'Monthly Archives: %s', 'twentytwelve' ), '<span>' . get_the_date( _x( 'F Y', 'monthly archives date format', 'twentytwelve' ) ) . '</span>' ); ?>
+                                        <?php elseif ( is_year() ) : ?>
+                                                <?php printf( __( 'Yearly Archives: %s', 'twentytwelve' ), '<span>' . get_the_date( _x( 'Y', 'yearly archives date format', 'twentytwelve' ) ) . '</span>' ); ?>
+                                        <?php elseif ( is_tag() ) : ?>
+                                        <?php
+                                                printf( __( 'Tag Archives: %s', 'twentytwelve' ), '<span>' . single_tag_title( '', false ) . '</span>' );
+                                                // Show an optional tag description
+                                                $tag_description = tag_description();
+                                                if ( ! empty( $tag_description ) )
+                                                        echo apply_filters( 'tag_archive_meta', '<div class="tag-archive-meta">' . $tag_description . '</div>' );
+                                        ?>
+                                        <?php elseif ( is_category() ) : ?>
+                                        <?php
+                                                printf( __( 'Category Archives: %s', 'twentytwelve' ), '<span>' . single_cat_title( '', false ) . '</span>' );
+                                                // Show an optional category description
+                                                $category_description = category_description();
+                                                if ( ! empty( $category_description ) )
+                                                        echo apply_filters( 'category_archive_meta', '<div class="category-archive-meta">' . $category_description . '</div>' );
+                                        ?>
+                                        <?php else : ?>
+                                                <?php _e( 'Blog Archives', 'twentytwelve' ); ?>
+                                        <?php endif; ?>
+                                </h1>
+                        </header>
+                        <?php twentytwelve_content_nav( 'nav-above' ); ?>
+                        <?php /* Start the Loop */ ?>
+                        <?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
+                                <?php get_template_part( 'content', get_post_format() ); ?>
+                        <?php endwhile; ?>
+                        <?php twentytwelve_content_nav( 'nav-below' ); ?>
+                <?php else : ?>
+                        <article id="post-0" class="post no-results not-found">
+                                <header class="entry-header">
+                                        <h1 class="entry-title"><?php _e( 'Nothing Found', 'twentytwelve' ); ?></h1>
+                                </header><!-- .entry-header -->
+                                <div class="entry-content">
+                                        <p><?php _e( 'Apologies, but no results were found for the requested archive. Perhaps searching will help find a related post.', 'twentytwelve' ); ?></p>
+                                        <?php get_search_form(); ?>
+                                </div><!-- .entry-content -->
+                        </article><!-- #post-0 -->
+                <?php endif; ?>
+                </div><!-- #content -->
+        </section><!-- #primary -->
+<?php get_sidebar(); ?>
+<?php get_footer(); ?>
</ins><span class="cx">\ No newline at end of file
</span><span class="cx">Property changes on: trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/archive.php
</span><span class="cx">___________________________________________________________________
<a id="svneolstyle"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: svn:eol-style</h4></div>
<a id="trunkwpcontentthemestwentytwelveauthorphp"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/author.php (0 => 19842)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/author.php         (rev 0)
+++ trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/author.php        2012-02-06 22:23:41 UTC (rev 19842)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+ * The template for displaying Author Archive pages.
+ *
+ * @package WordPress
+ * @subpackage Twenty_Twelve
+ * @since Twenty Twelve 1.0
+ */
+get_header(); ?>
+        <section id="primary">
+                <div id="content" role="main">
+                <?php if ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
+                        <header class="page-header">
+                                <h1 class="page-title author"><?php printf( __( 'Author Archives: %s', 'twentytwelve' ), '<span class="vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="' . esc_url( get_author_posts_url( get_the_author_meta( "ID" ) ) ) . '" title="' . esc_attr( get_the_author() ) . '" rel="me">' . get_the_author() . '</a></span>' ); ?></h1>
+                        </header>
+                        <?php rewind_posts(); ?>
+                        <?php twentytwelve_content_nav( 'nav-above' ); ?>
+                        <?php
+                        // If a user has filled out their description, show a bio on their entries.
+                        if ( get_the_author_meta( 'description' ) ) : ?>
+                        <div id="author-info">
+                                <div id="author-avatar">
+                                        <?php echo get_avatar( get_the_author_meta( 'user_email' ), apply_filters( 'twentytwelve_author_bio_avatar_size', 60 ) ); ?>
+                                </div><!-- #author-avatar -->
+                                <div id="author-description">
+                                        <h2><?php printf( __( 'About %s', 'twentytwelve' ), get_the_author() ); ?></h2>
+                                        <?php the_author_meta( 'description' ); ?>
+                                </div><!-- #author-description        -->
+                        </div><!-- #entry-author-info -->
+                        <?php endif; ?>
+                        <?php /* Start the Loop */ ?>
+                        <?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
+                                <?php get_template_part( 'content', get_post_format() ); ?>
+                        <?php endwhile; ?>
+                        <?php twentytwelve_content_nav( 'nav-below' ); ?>
+                <?php else : ?>
+                        <article id="post-0" class="post no-results not-found">
+                                <header class="entry-header">
+                                        <h1 class="entry-title"><?php _e( 'Nothing Found', 'twentytwelve' ); ?></h1>
+                                </header><!-- .entry-header -->
+                                <div class="entry-content">
+                                        <p><?php _e( 'Apologies, but no results were found for the requested archive. Perhaps searching will help find a related post.', 'twentytwelve' ); ?></p>
+                                        <?php get_search_form(); ?>
+                                </div><!-- .entry-content -->
+                        </article><!-- #post-0 -->
+                <?php endif; ?>
+                </div><!-- #content -->
+        </section><!-- #primary -->
+<?php get_sidebar(); ?>
+<?php get_footer(); ?>
</ins><span class="cx">\ No newline at end of file
</span><span class="cx">Property changes on: trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/author.php
</span><span class="cx">___________________________________________________________________
<a id="svneolstyle"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: svn:eol-style</h4></div>
<a id="trunkwpcontentthemestwentytwelvecommentsphp"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/comments.php (0 => 19842)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/comments.php         (rev 0)
+++ trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/comments.php        2012-02-06 22:23:41 UTC (rev 19842)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+ * The template for displaying Comments.
+ *
+ * The area of the page that contains both current comments
+ * and the comment form. The actual display of comments is
+ * handled by a callback to twentytwelve_comment() which is
+ * located in the functions.php file.
+ *
+ * @package WordPress
+ * @subpackage Twenty_Twelve
+ * @since Twenty Twelve 1.0
+ */
+        <div id="comments">
+        <?php if ( post_password_required() ) : ?>
+                <p class="nopassword"><?php _e( 'This post is password protected. Enter the password to view any comments.', 'twentytwelve' ); ?></p>
+        </div><!-- #comments -->
+        <?php
+                        /* Stop the rest of comments.php from being processed,
+                         * but don't kill the script entirely -- we still have
+                         * to fully load the template.
+                         */
+                        return;
+                endif;
+        ?>
+        <?php // You can start editing here -- including this comment! ?>
+        <?php if ( have_comments() ) : ?>
+                <h2 id="comments-title">
+                        <?php
+                                printf( _n( 'One thought on &ldquo;%2$s&rdquo;', '%1$s thoughts on &ldquo;%2$s&rdquo;', get_comments_number(), 'twentytwelve' ),
+                                        number_format_i18n( get_comments_number() ), '<span>' . get_the_title() . '</span>' );
+                        ?>
+                </h2>
+                <?php if ( get_comment_pages_count() > 1 && get_option( 'page_comments' ) ) : // are there comments to navigate through ?>
+                <nav id="comment-nav-above">
+                        <h1 class="assistive-text section-heading"><?php _e( 'Comment navigation', 'twentytwelve' ); ?></h1>
+                        <div class="nav-previous"><?php previous_comments_link( __( '&larr; Older Comments', 'twentytwelve' ) ); ?></div>
+                        <div class="nav-next"><?php next_comments_link( __( 'Newer Comments &rarr;', 'twentytwelve' ) ); ?></div>
+                </nav>
+                <?php endif; // check for comment navigation ?>
+                <ol class="commentlist">
+                        <?php wp_list_comments( array( 'callback' => 'twentytwelve_comment' ) ); ?>
+                </ol>
+                <?php if ( get_comment_pages_count() > 1 && get_option( 'page_comments' ) ) : // are there comments to navigate through ?>
+                <nav id="comment-nav-below">
+                        <h1 class="assistive-text section-heading"><?php _e( 'Comment navigation', 'twentytwelve' ); ?></h1>
+                        <div class="nav-previous"><?php previous_comments_link( __( '&larr; Older Comments', 'twentytwelve' ) ); ?></div>
+                        <div class="nav-next"><?php next_comments_link( __( 'Newer Comments &rarr;', 'twentytwelve' ) ); ?></div>
+                </nav>
+                <?php endif; // check for comment navigation ?>
+        <?php // If there are no comments and comments are closed, let's leave a note.
+                elseif ( ! comments_open() && '0' != get_comments_number() && post_type_supports( get_post_type(), 'comments' ) ) :
+        ?>
+                <p class="nocomments"><?php _e( 'Comments are closed.', 'twentytwelve' ); ?></p>
+        <?php endif; ?>
+        <?php comment_form(); ?>
+</div><!-- #comments -->
</ins><span class="cx">\ No newline at end of file
</span><span class="cx">Property changes on: trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/comments.php
</span><span class="cx">___________________________________________________________________
<a id="svneolstyle"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: svn:eol-style</h4></div>
<a id="trunkwpcontentthemestwentytwelvecontentpagephp"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/content-page.php (0 => 19842)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/content-page.php         (rev 0)
+++ trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/content-page.php        2012-02-06 22:23:41 UTC (rev 19842)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ * The template used for displaying page content in page.php
+ *
+ * @package WordPress
+ * @subpackage Twenty_Twelve
+ * @since Twenty Twelve 1.0
+ */
+<article id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" <?php post_class(); ?>>
+        <header class="entry-header">
+                <h1 class="entry-title"><?php the_title(); ?></h1>
+        </header><!-- .entry-header -->
+        <div class="entry-content">
+                <?php the_content(); ?>
+                <?php wp_link_pages( array( 'before' => '<div class="page-links">' . __( 'Pages:', 'twentytwelve' ), 'after' => '</div>' ) ); ?>
+        </div><!-- .entry-content -->
+        <footer class="entry-meta">
+                <?php edit_post_link( __( 'Edit', 'twentytwelve' ), '<span class="edit-link">', '</span>' ); ?>
+        </footer><!-- .entry-meta -->
+</article><!-- #post -->
</ins><span class="cx">Property changes on: trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/content-page.php
</span><span class="cx">___________________________________________________________________
<a id="svneolstyle"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: svn:eol-style</h4></div>
<a id="trunkwpcontentthemestwentytwelvecontentsinglephp"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/content-single.php (0 => 19842)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/content-single.php         (rev 0)
+++ trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/content-single.php        2012-02-06 22:23:41 UTC (rev 19842)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+ * The template for displaying content in the single.php template
+ *
+ * @package WordPress
+ * @subpackage Twenty_Twelve
+ * @since Twenty Twelve 1.0
+ */
+<article id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" <?php post_class(); ?>>
+        <header class="entry-header">
+                <h1 class="entry-title"><?php the_title(); ?></h1>
+                <?php if ( 'post' == get_post_type() ) : ?>
+                <div class="entry-meta">
+                        <?php twentytwelve_posted_on(); ?>
+                </div><!-- .entry-meta -->
+                <?php endif; ?>
+        </header><!-- .entry-header -->
+        <div class="entry-content">
+                <?php the_content(); ?>
+                <?php wp_link_pages( array( 'before' => '<div class="page-links">' . __( 'Pages:', 'twentytwelve' ), 'after' => '</div>' ) ); ?>
+        </div><!-- .entry-content -->
+        <footer class="entry-meta">
+                <?php
+                        /* translators: used between list items, there is a space after the comma */
+                        $categories_list = get_the_category_list( __( ', ', 'twentytwelve' ) );
+                        /* translators: used between list items, there is a space after the comma */
+                        $tag_list = get_the_tag_list( '', __( ', ', 'twentytwelve' ) );
+                        if ( '' != $tag_list ) {
+                                $utility_text = __( 'This entry was posted in %1$s and tagged %2$s by <a href="%6$s">%5$s</a>. Bookmark the <a href="%3$s" title="Permalink to %4$s" rel="bookmark">permalink</a>.', 'twentytwelve' );
+                        } elseif ( '' != $categories_list ) {
+                                $utility_text = __( 'This entry was posted in %1$s by <a href="%6$s">%5$s</a>. Bookmark the <a href="%3$s" title="Permalink to %4$s" rel="bookmark">permalink</a>.', 'twentytwelve' );
+                        } else {
+                                $utility_text = __( 'This entry was posted by <a href="%6$s">%5$s</a>. Bookmark the <a href="%3$s" title="Permalink to %4$s" rel="bookmark">permalink</a>.', 'twentytwelve' );
+                        }
+                        printf(
+                                $utility_text,
+                                $categories_list,
+                                $tag_list,
+                                esc_url( get_permalink() ),
+                                the_title_attribute( 'echo=0' ),
+                                get_the_author(),
+                                esc_url( get_author_posts_url( get_the_author_meta( 'ID' ) ) )
+                        );
+                ?>
+                <?php edit_post_link( __( 'Edit', 'twentytwelve' ), '<span class="edit-link">', '</span>' ); ?>
+                <?php if ( get_the_author_meta( 'description' ) && ( ! function_exists( 'is_multi_author' ) || is_multi_author() ) ) : // If a user has filled out their description and this is a multi-author blog, show a bio on their entries ?>
+                <div id="author-info">
+                        <div id="author-avatar">
+                                <?php echo get_avatar( get_the_author_meta( 'user_email' ), apply_filters( 'twentytwelve_author_bio_avatar_size', 68 ) ); ?>
+                        </div><!-- #author-avatar -->
+                        <div id="author-description">
+                                <h2><?php printf( __( 'About %s', 'twentytwelve' ), get_the_author() ); ?></h2>
+                                <?php the_author_meta( 'description' ); ?>
+                                <div id="author-link">
+                                        <a href="<?php echo esc_url( get_author_posts_url( get_the_author_meta( 'ID' ) ) ); ?>" rel="author">
+                                                <?php printf( __( 'View all posts by %s <span class="meta-nav">&rarr;</span>', 'twentytwelve' ), get_the_author() ); ?>
+                                        </a>
+                                </div><!-- #author-link        -->
+                        </div><!-- #author-description -->
+                </div><!-- #entry-author-info -->
+                <?php endif; ?>
+        </footer><!-- .entry-meta -->
+</article><!-- #post -->
</ins><span class="cx">Property changes on: trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/content-single.php
</span><span class="cx">___________________________________________________________________
<a id="svneolstyle"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: svn:eol-style</h4></div>
<a id="trunkwpcontentthemestwentytwelvecontentphp"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/content.php (0 => 19842)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/content.php         (rev 0)
+++ trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/content.php        2012-02-06 22:23:41 UTC (rev 19842)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+ * The default template for displaying content
+ *
+ * @package WordPress
+ * @subpackage Twenty_Twelve
+ * @since Twenty Twelve 1.0
+ */
+        <article id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" <?php post_class(); ?>>
+                <header class="entry-header">
+                        <?php if ( is_sticky() ) : ?>
+                                <hgroup>
+                                        <h2 class="entry-title"><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php printf( esc_attr__( 'Permalink to %s', 'twentytwelve' ), the_title_attribute( 'echo=0' ) ); ?>" rel="bookmark"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>
+                                        <h3 class="entry-format"><?php _e( 'Featured', 'twentytwelve' ); ?></h3>
+                                </hgroup>
+                        <?php else : ?>
+                        <h1 class="entry-title"><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php printf( esc_attr__( 'Permalink to %s', 'twentytwelve' ), the_title_attribute( 'echo=0' ) ); ?>" rel="bookmark"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h1>
+                        <?php endif; ?>
+                        <?php if ( 'post' == get_post_type() ) : ?>
+                        <div class="entry-meta">
+                                <?php twentytwelve_posted_on(); ?>
+                        </div><!-- .entry-meta -->
+                        <?php endif; ?>
+                </header><!-- .entry-header -->
+                <?php if ( is_search() ) : // Only display Excerpts for Search ?>
+                <div class="entry-summary">
+                        <?php the_excerpt(); ?>
+                </div><!-- .entry-summary -->
+                <?php else : ?>
+                <div class="entry-content">
+                        <?php the_content( __( 'Continue reading <span class="meta-nav">&rarr;</span>', 'twentytwelve' ) ); ?>
+                        <?php wp_link_pages( array( 'before' => '<div class="page-links">' . __( 'Pages:', 'twentytwelve' ), 'after' => '</div>' ) ); ?>
+                </div><!-- .entry-content -->
+                <?php endif; ?>
+                <footer class="entry-meta">
+                        <?php $show_sep = false; ?>
+                        <?php if ( 'post' == get_post_type() ) : // Hide category and tag text for pages on Search ?>
+                        <?php
+                                /* translators: used between list items, there is a space after the comma */
+                                $categories_list = get_the_category_list( __( ', ', 'twentytwelve' ) );
+                                if ( $categories_list ):
+                        ?>
+                        <span class="cat-links">
+                                <?php printf( __( '<span class="%1$s">Posted in</span> %2$s', 'twentytwelve' ), 'entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links', $categories_list );
+                                $show_sep = true; ?>
+                        </span>
+                        <?php endif; // End if categories ?>
+                        <?php
+                                /* translators: used between list items, there is a space after the comma */
+                                $tags_list = get_the_tag_list( '', __( ', ', 'twentytwelve' ) );
+                                if ( $tags_list ):
+                                if ( $show_sep ) : ?>
+                        <span class="sep"> | </span>
+                                <?php endif; // End if $show_sep ?>
+                        <span class="tag-links">
+                                <?php printf( __( '<span class="%1$s">Tagged</span> %2$s', 'twentytwelve' ), 'entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-tag-links', $tags_list );
+                                $show_sep = true; ?>
+                        </span>
+                        <?php endif; // End if $tags_list ?>
+                        <?php endif; // End if 'post' == get_post_type() ?>
+                        <?php if ( comments_open() ) : ?>
+                        <?php if ( $show_sep ) : ?>
+                        <span class="sep"> | </span>
+                        <?php endif; // End if $show_sep ?>
+                        <span class="comments-link"><?php comments_popup_link( '<span class="leave-reply">' . __( 'Leave a reply', 'twentytwelve' ) . '</span>', __( '<b>1</b> Reply', 'twentytwelve' ), __( '<b>%</b> Replies', 'twentytwelve' ) ); ?></span>
+                        <?php endif; // End if comments_open() ?>
+                        <?php edit_post_link( __( 'Edit', 'twentytwelve' ), '<span class="edit-link">', '</span>' ); ?>
+                </footer><!-- #entry-meta -->
+        </article><!-- #post -->
</ins><span class="cx">Property changes on: trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/content.php
</span><span class="cx">___________________________________________________________________
<a id="svneolstyle"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: svn:eol-style</h4></div>
<a id="trunkwpcontentthemestwentytwelvefooterphp"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/footer.php (0 => 19842)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/footer.php         (rev 0)
+++ trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/footer.php        2012-02-06 22:23:41 UTC (rev 19842)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ * The template for displaying the footer.
+ *
+ * Contains the closing of the id=main div and all content after
+ *
+ * @package WordPress
+ * @subpackage Twenty_Twelve
+ * @since Twenty Twelve 1.0
+ */
+        </div><!-- #main -->
+</div><!-- #page -->
+        <footer id="colophon" role="contentinfo">
+                <div class="site-info">
+                        <?php do_action( 'twentytwelve_credits' ); ?>
+                        <a href="<?php echo esc_url( __( 'http://wordpress.org/', 'twentytwelve' ) ); ?>" title="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Semantic Personal Publishing Platform', 'twentytwelve' ); ?>" rel="generator"><?php printf( __( 'Proudly powered by %s', 'twentytwelve' ), 'WordPress' ); ?></a>
+                </div><!-- .site-info -->
+        </footer><!-- #colophon -->
+<?php wp_footer(); ?>
</ins><span class="cx">\ No newline at end of file
</span><span class="cx">Property changes on: trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/footer.php
</span><span class="cx">___________________________________________________________________
<a id="svneolstyle"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: svn:eol-style</h4></div>
<a id="trunkwpcontentthemestwentytwelvefunctionsphp"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/functions.php (0 => 19842)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/functions.php         (rev 0)
+++ trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/functions.php        2012-02-06 22:23:41 UTC (rev 19842)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+ * Twenty Twelve functions and definitions
+ *
+ * @package WordPress
+ * @subpackage Twenty_Twelve
+ * @since Twenty Twelve 1.0
+ */
+// Set the content width based on the theme's design and stylesheet.
+if ( ! isset( $content_width ) )
+        $content_width = 584;
+add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'twentytwelve_enqueue_scripts' );
+if ( ! function_exists( 'twentytwelve_enqueue_scripts' ) ) :
+* Add theme styles and scripts here
+function twentytwelve_enqueue_scripts() {
+        if ( ! is_admin() ) {
+                wp_enqueue_style(
+                        'twentytwelve-style',
+                        get_bloginfo( 'stylesheet_url' )
+                );
+        }
+endif; // twentytwelve_enqueue_scripts
+// Tell WordPress to run twentytwelve_setup() when the 'after_setup_theme' hook is run.
+add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'twentytwelve_setup' );
+if ( ! function_exists( 'twentytwelve_setup' ) ):
+ * Sets up theme defaults and registers support for various WordPress features.
+ *
+ * @uses load_theme_textdomain() For translation/localization support.
+ * @uses add_theme_support() To add support for automatic feed links.
+ * @uses register_nav_menu() To add support for navigation menus.
+ * @uses add_custom_background() To add support for a custom background.
+ *
+ * @since Twenty Twelve 1.0
+ */
+function twentytwelve_setup() {
+        /**
+         * Make Twenty Twelve available for translation.
+         * Translations can be added to the /languages/ directory.
+         * If you're building a theme based on Twenty Twelve, use a find and replace
+         * to change 'twentytwelve' to the name of your theme in all the template files.
+         */
+        load_theme_textdomain( 'twentytwelve', get_template_directory() . '/languages' );
+        $locale = get_locale();
+        $locale_file = get_template_directory() . "/languages/$locale.php";
+        if ( is_readable( $locale_file ) )
+                require_once( $locale_file );
+        // Add default posts and comments RSS feed links to <head>.
+        add_theme_support( 'automatic-feed-links' );
+        // This theme uses wp_nav_menu() in one location.
+        register_nav_menu( 'primary', __( 'Primary Menu', 'twentytwelve' ) );
+        // Add support for custom backgrounds
+        add_custom_background();
+endif; // twentytwelve_setup
+// Get our wp_nav_menu() fallback, wp_page_menu(), to show a home link.
+function twentytwelve_page_menu_args( $args ) {
+        $args['show_home'] = true;
+        return $args;
+add_filter( 'wp_page_menu_args', 'twentytwelve_page_menu_args' );
+ * Register our sidebars and widgetized areas. Also register the default Epherma widget.
+ *
+ * @since Twenty Twelve 1.0
+ */
+function twentytwelve_widgets_init() {
+        register_sidebar( array(
+                'name' => __( 'Main Sidebar', 'twentytwelve' ),
+                'id' => 'sidebar-1',
+                'before_widget' => '<aside id="%1$s" class="widget %2$s">',
+                'after_widget' => "</aside>",
+                'before_title' => '<h3 class="widget-title">',
+                'after_title' => '</h3>',
+        ) );
+add_action( 'widgets_init', 'twentytwelve_widgets_init' );
+if ( ! function_exists( 'twentytwelve_content_nav' ) ) :
+// Display navigation to next/previous pages when applicable
+function twentytwelve_content_nav( $nav_id ) {
+        global $wp_query;
+        if ( $wp_query->max_num_pages > 1 ) : ?>
+                <nav id="<?php echo $nav_id; ?>">
+                        <h3 class="assistive-text"><?php _e( 'Post navigation', 'twentytwelve' ); ?></h3>
+                        <div class="nav-previous"><?php next_posts_link( __( '<span class="meta-nav">&larr;</span> Older posts', 'twentytwelve' ) ); ?></div>
+                        <div class="nav-next"><?php previous_posts_link( __( 'Newer posts <span class="meta-nav">&rarr;</span>', 'twentytwelve' ) ); ?></div>
+                </nav><!-- #nav-above -->
+        <?php endif;
+endif; // twentytwelve_content_nav
+if ( ! function_exists( 'twentytwelve_comment' ) ) :
+ * Template for comments and pingbacks.
+ *
+ * To override this walker in a child theme without modifying the comments template
+ * simply create your own twentytwelve_comment(), and that function will be used instead.
+ *
+ * Used as a callback by wp_list_comments() for displaying the comments.
+ *
+ * @since Twenty Twelve 1.0
+ */
+function twentytwelve_comment( $comment, $args, $depth ) {
+        $GLOBALS['comment'] = $comment;
+        switch ( $comment->comment_type ) :
+                case 'pingback' :
+                case 'trackback' :
+        ?>
+        <li class="post pingback">
+                <p><?php _e( 'Pingback:', 'twentytwelve' ); ?> <?php comment_author_link(); ?><?php edit_comment_link( __( 'Edit', 'twentytwelve' ), '<span class="edit-link">', '</span>' ); ?></p>
+        <?php
+                        break;
+                default :
+        ?>
+        <li <?php comment_class(); ?> id="li-comment-<?php comment_ID(); ?>">
+                <article id="comment-<?php comment_ID(); ?>" class="comment">
+                        <footer class="comment-meta">
+                                <div class="comment-author vcard">
+                                        <?php
+                                                $avatar_size = 68;
+                                                if ( '0' != $comment->comment_parent )
+                                                        $avatar_size = 39;
+                                                echo get_avatar( $comment, $avatar_size );
+                                                /* translators: 1: comment author, 2: date and time */
+                                                printf( __( '%1$s on %2$s <span class="says">said:</span>', 'twentytwelve' ),
+                                                        sprintf( '<span class="fn">%s</span>', get_comment_author_link() ),
+                                                        sprintf( '<a href="%1$s"><time pubdate datetime="%2$s">%3$s</time></a>',
+                                                                esc_url( get_comment_link( $comment->comment_ID ) ),
+                                                                get_comment_time( 'c' ),
+                                                                /* translators: 1: date, 2: time */
+                                                                sprintf( __( '%1$s at %2$s', 'twentytwelve' ), get_comment_date(), get_comment_time() )
+                                                        )
+                                                );
+                                        ?>
+                                        <?php edit_comment_link( __( 'Edit', 'twentytwelve' ), '<span class="edit-link">', '</span>' ); ?>
+                                </div><!-- .comment-author .vcard -->
+                                <?php if ( $comment->comment_approved == '0' ) : ?>
+                                        <em class="comment-awaiting-moderation"><?php _e( 'Your comment is awaiting moderation.', 'twentytwelve' ); ?></em>
+                                        <br />
+                                <?php endif; ?>
+                        </footer>
+                        <div class="comment-content"><?php comment_text(); ?></div>
+                        <div class="reply">
+                                <?php comment_reply_link( array_merge( $args, array( 'reply_text' => __( 'Reply <span>&darr;</span>', 'twentytwelve' ), 'depth' => $depth, 'max_depth' => $args['max_depth'] ) ) ); ?>
+                        </div><!-- .reply -->
+                </article><!-- #comment-## -->
+        <?php
+                        break;
+        endswitch;
+endif; // ends check for twentytwelve_comment()
+if ( ! function_exists( 'twentytwelve_posted_on' ) ) :
+ * Prints HTML with meta information for the current post-date/time and author.
+ * Create your own twentytwelve_posted_on to override in a child theme
+ *
+ * @since Twenty Twelve 1.0
+ */
+function twentytwelve_posted_on() {
+        printf( __( '<span class="sep">Posted on </span><a href="%1$s" title="%2$s" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date" datetime="%3$s" pubdate>%4$s</time></a><span class="by-author"> <span class="sep"> by </span> <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="%5$s" title="%6$s" rel="author">%7$s</a></span></span>', 'twentytwelve' ),
+                esc_url( get_permalink() ),
+                esc_attr( get_the_time() ),
+                esc_attr( get_the_date( 'c' ) ),
+                esc_html( get_the_date() ),
+                esc_url( get_author_posts_url( get_the_author_meta( 'ID' ) ) ),
+                esc_attr( sprintf( __( 'View all posts by %s', 'twentytwelve' ), get_the_author() ) ),
+                get_the_author()
+        );
</ins><span class="cx">\ No newline at end of file
</span><span class="cx">Property changes on: trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/functions.php
</span><span class="cx">___________________________________________________________________
<a id="svneolstyle"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: svn:eol-style</h4></div>
<a id="trunkwpcontentthemestwentytwelveheaderphp"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/header.php (0 => 19842)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/header.php         (rev 0)
+++ trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/header.php        2012-02-06 22:23:41 UTC (rev 19842)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ * The Header for our theme.
+ *
+ * Displays all of the <head> section and everything up till <div id="main">
+ *
+ * @package WordPress
+ * @subpackage Twenty_Twelve
+ * @since Twenty Twelve 1.0
+ */
+?><!DOCTYPE html>
+<html <?php language_attributes(); ?>>
+<meta charset="<?php bloginfo( 'charset' ); ?>" />
+<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
+<title><?php wp_title( '|', true, 'right' ); ?></title>
+<link rel="profile" href="http://gmpg.org/xfn/11" />
+<link rel="pingback" href="<?php bloginfo( 'pingback_url' ); ?>" />
+<!-- Google fonts static for now -->
+<link href="http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:300italic,400italic,600italic,700italic,400,300,600,700" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
+<!--[if lt IE 9]>
+<script src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/js/html5.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
+<?php if ( is_singular() && get_option( 'thread_comments' ) ) wp_enqueue_script( 'comment-reply' ); ?>
+<?php wp_head(); ?>
+<body <?php body_class(); ?>>
+<div id="page" class="hfeed">
+        <header id="masthead" role="banner">
+                <hgroup>
+                        <h1 class="site-title"><a href="<?php echo esc_url( home_url( '/' ) ); ?>" title="<?php echo esc_attr( get_bloginfo( 'name', 'display' ) ); ?>" rel="home"><?php bloginfo( 'name' ); ?></a></h1>
+                        <h2 class="site-description"><?php bloginfo( 'description' ); ?></h2>
+                </hgroup>
+                <nav class="site-navigation" role="navigation">
+                        <h3 class="assistive-text"><?php _e( 'Main menu', 'twentytwelve' ); ?></h3>
+                        <div class="skip-link"><a class="assistive-text" href="#content" title="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Skip to primary content', 'twentytwelve' ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Skip to primary content', 'twentytwelve' ); ?></a></div>
+                        <div class="skip-link"><a class="assistive-text" href="#secondary" title="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Skip to secondary content', 'twentytwelve' ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Skip to secondary content', 'twentytwelve' ); ?></a></div>
+                        <?php wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => 'primary' ) ); ?>
+                </nav>
+        </header><!-- #masthead -->
+        <div id="main">
</ins><span class="cx">\ No newline at end of file
</span><span class="cx">Property changes on: trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/header.php
</span><span class="cx">___________________________________________________________________
<a id="svneolstyle"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: svn:eol-style</h4></div>
<a id="trunkwpcontentthemestwentytwelveimagephp"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/image.php (0 => 19842)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/image.php         (rev 0)
+++ trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/image.php        2012-02-06 22:23:41 UTC (rev 19842)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+ * The template for displaying image attachments.
+ *
+ * @package WordPress
+ * @subpackage Twenty_Twelve
+ * @since Twenty Twelve 1.0
+ */
+get_header(); ?>
+        <div id="primary" class="image-attachment">
+                <div id="content" role="main">
+                <?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
+                                <article id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" <?php post_class(); ?>>
+                                        <header class="entry-header">
+                                                <h1 class="entry-title"><?php the_title(); ?></h1>
+                                                <div class="entry-meta">
+                                                        <?php
+                                                                $metadata = wp_get_attachment_metadata();
+                                                                printf( __( '<span class="meta-prep meta-prep-entry-date">Published </span> <span class="entry-date"><abbr class="published" title="%1$s">%2$s</abbr></span> at <a href="%3$s" title="Link to full-size image">%4$s &times; %5$s</a> in <a href="%6$s" title="Return to %7$s" rel="gallery">%8$s</a>', 'twentytwelve' ),
+                                                                        esc_attr( get_the_time() ),
+                                                                        get_the_date(),
+                                                                        esc_url( wp_get_attachment_url() ),
+                                                                        $metadata['width'],
+                                                                        $metadata['height'],
+                                                                        esc_url( get_permalink( $post->post_parent ) ),
+                                                                        esc_attr( strip_tags( get_the_title( $post->post_parent ) ) ),
+                                                                        get_the_title( $post->post_parent )
+                                                                );
+                                                        ?>
+                                                        <?php edit_post_link( __( 'Edit', 'twentytwelve' ), '<span class="edit-link">', '</span>' ); ?>
+                                                </div><!-- .entry-meta -->
+                                                <nav id="image-navigation">
+                                                        <span class="previous-image"><?php previous_image_link( false, __( '&larr; Previous', 'twentytwelve' ) ); ?></span>
+                                                        <span class="next-image"><?php next_image_link( false, __( 'Next &rarr;', 'twentytwelve' ) ); ?></span>
+                                                </nav><!-- #image-navigation -->
+                                        </header><!-- .entry-header -->
+                                        <div class="entry-content">
+                                                <div class="entry-attachment">
+                                                        <div class="attachment">
+ * Grab the IDs of all the image attachments in a gallery so we can get the URL of the next adjacent image in a gallery,
+ * or the first image (if we're looking at the last image in a gallery), or, in a gallery of one, just the link to that image file
+ */
+$attachments = array_values( get_children( array( 'post_parent' => $post->post_parent, 'post_status' => 'inherit', 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'post_mime_type' => 'image', 'order' => 'ASC', 'orderby' => 'menu_order ID' ) ) );
+foreach ( $attachments as $k => $attachment ) {
+        if ( $attachment->ID == $post->ID )
+                break;
+// If there is more than 1 attachment in a gallery
+if ( count( $attachments ) > 1 ) {
+        if ( isset( $attachments[ $k ] ) )
+                // get the URL of the next image attachment
+                $next_attachment_url = get_attachment_link( $attachments[ $k ]->ID );
+        else
+                // or get the URL of the first image attachment
+                $next_attachment_url = get_attachment_link( $attachments[ 0 ]->ID );
+} else {
+        // or, if there's only 1 image, get the URL of the image
+        $next_attachment_url = wp_get_attachment_url();
+                                                                <a href="<?php echo esc_url( $next_attachment_url ); ?>" title="<?php the_title_attribute(); ?>" rel="attachment"><?php
+                                                                $attachment_size = apply_filters( 'twentytwelve_attachment_size', 800 );
+                                                                echo wp_get_attachment_image( $post->ID, array( $attachment_size, $attachment_size ) );
+                                                                ?></a>
+                                                                <?php if ( ! empty( $post->post_excerpt ) ) : ?>
+                                                                <div class="entry-caption">
+                                                                        <?php the_excerpt(); ?>
+                                                                </div>
+                                                                <?php endif; ?>
+                                                        </div><!-- .attachment -->
+                                                </div><!-- .entry-attachment -->
+                                                <div class="entry-description">
+                                                        <?php the_content(); ?>
+                                                        <?php wp_link_pages( array( 'before' => '<div class="page-links">' . __( 'Pages:', 'twentytwelve' ), 'after' => '</div>' ) ); ?>
+                                                </div><!-- .entry-description -->
+                                        </div><!-- .entry-content -->
+                                </article><!-- #post -->
+                                <?php comments_template(); ?>
+                        <?php endwhile; // end of the loop. ?>
+                </div><!-- #content -->
+        </div><!-- #primary -->
+<?php get_footer(); ?>
</ins><span class="cx">\ No newline at end of file
</span><span class="cx">Property changes on: trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/image.php
</span><span class="cx">___________________________________________________________________
<a id="svneolstyle"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: svn:eol-style</h4></div>
<a id="trunkwpcontentthemestwentytwelveimagesflowersjpg"></a>
<div class="binary"><h4>Added: trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/images/flowers.jpg</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="cx">(Binary files differ)
<span class="cx">Property changes on: trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/images/flowers.jpg
</span><span class="cx">___________________________________________________________________
</span><a id="svnmimetype"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: svn:mime-type</h4></div>
<a id="trunkwpcontentthemestwentytwelveindexphp"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/index.php (0 => 19842)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/index.php         (rev 0)
+++ trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/index.php        2012-02-06 22:23:41 UTC (rev 19842)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ * The main template file.
+ *
+ * This is the most generic template file in a WordPress theme
+ * and one of the two required files for a theme (the other being style.css).
+ * It is used to display a page when nothing more specific matches a query.
+ * E.g., it puts together the home page when no home.php file exists.
+ * Learn more: http://codex.wordpress.org/Template_Hierarchy
+ *
+ * @package WordPress
+ * @subpackage Twenty_Twelve
+ */
+get_header(); ?>
+        <div id="primary">
+                <div id="content" role="main">
+                <!-- Placeholder for optional header image
+                <section role="banner">
+                        <img src="<?php echo get_stylesheet_directory_uri(); ?>/images/flowers.jpg" width="625" height="188" />
+                </section>
+                -->
+                <?php if ( have_posts() ) : ?>
+                        <?php /* Start the Loop */ ?>
+                        <?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
+                                <?php get_template_part( 'content', get_post_format() ); ?>
+                        <?php endwhile; ?>
+                        <?php twentytwelve_content_nav( 'nav-below' ); ?>
+                <?php else : ?>
+                        <article id="post-0" class="post no-results not-found">
+                                <header class="entry-header">
+                                        <h1 class="entry-title"><?php _e( 'Nothing Found', 'twentytwelve' ); ?></h1>
+                                </header><!-- .entry-header -->
+                                <div class="entry-content">
+                                        <p><?php _e( 'Apologies, but no results were found for the requested archive. Perhaps searching will help find a related post.', 'twentytwelve' ); ?></p>
+                                        <?php get_search_form(); ?>
+                                </div><!-- .entry-content -->
+                        </article><!-- #post-0 -->
+                <?php endif; ?>
+                </div><!-- #content -->
+        </div><!-- #primary -->
+<?php get_sidebar(); ?>
+<?php get_footer(); ?>
</ins><span class="cx">\ No newline at end of file
</span><span class="cx">Property changes on: trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/index.php
</span><span class="cx">___________________________________________________________________
<a id="svneolstyle"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: svn:eol-style</h4></div>
<a id="trunkwpcontentthemestwentytwelvejshtml5js"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/js/html5.js (0 => 19842)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/js/html5.js         (rev 0)
+++ trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/js/html5.js        2012-02-06 22:23:41 UTC (rev 19842)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
</span><ins>+// html5shiv MIT @rem remysharp.com/html5-enabling-script
+// iepp v1.6.2 MIT @jon_neal iecss.com/print-protector
+/*@cc_on(function(a,b){function r(a){var b=-1;while(++b<f)a.createElement(e[b])}if(!(!window.attachEvent||!b.createStyleSheet||!function(){var a=document.createElement("div");a.innerHTML="<elem></elem>";return a.childNodes.length!==1}())){a.iepp=a.iepp||{};var c=a.iepp,d=c.html5elements||"abbr|article|aside|audio|canvas|datalist|details|figcaption|figure|footer|header|hgroup|mark|meter|nav|output|progress|section|summary|time|video",e=d.split("|"),f=e.length,g=new RegExp("(^|\\s)("+d+")","gi"),h=new RegExp("<(/*)("+d+")","gi"),i=/^\s*[\{\}]\s*$/,j=new RegExp("(^|[^\\n]*?\\s)("+d+")([^\\n]*)({[\\n\\w\\W]*?})","gi"),k=b.createDocumentFragment(),l=b.documentElement,m=l.firstChild,n=b.createElement("body"),o=b.createElement("style"),p=/print|all/,q;c.getCSS=function(a,b){if(a+""===undefined)return"&
quot;;var d=-1,e=a.length,f,g=[];while(++d<e){f=a[d];if(f.disabled)continue;b=f.media||b,p.test(b)&&g.push(c.getCSS(f.imports,b),f.cssText),b="all"}return g.join("")},c.parseCSS=function(a){var b=[],c;while((c=j.exec(a))!=null)b.push(((i.exec(c[1])?"\n":c[1])+c[2]+c[3]).replace(g,"$1.iepp_$2")+c[4]);return b.join("\n")},c.writeHTML=function(){var a=-1;q=q||b.body;while(++a<f){var c=b.getElementsByTagName(e[a]),d=c.length,g=-1;while(++g<d)c[g].className.indexOf("iepp_")<0&&(c[g].className+=" iepp_"+e[a])}k.appendChild(q),l.appendChild(n),n.className=q.className,n.id=q.id,n.innerHTML=q.innerHTML.replace(h,"<$1font")},c._beforePrint=function(){o.styleSheet.cssText=c.parseCSS(c.getCSS(b.styleSheets,"all")),c.writeHTML()},c.restoreHTML=function(){n.innerHTML="",l.removeChild(n),l.appendChild(q)},c._afterPrint=function(){c.restoreHTML(),o.styleSheet.cs
</ins><span class="cx">\ No newline at end of file
</span><span class="cx">Property changes on: trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/js/html5.js
</span><span class="cx">___________________________________________________________________
<a id="svneolstyle"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: svn:eol-style</h4></div>
<a id="trunkwpcontentthemestwentytwelvelanguagestwentytwelvepot"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/languages/twentytwelve.pot (0 => 19842)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/languages/twentytwelve.pot         (rev 0)
+++ trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/languages/twentytwelve.pot        2012-02-06 22:23:41 UTC (rev 19842)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
</span><ins>+# Copyright (C) 2010 Twenty Twelve
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Twenty Twelve package.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Twenty Twelve .5\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://wordpress.org/tag/twentytwelve\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-03 18:36:09+00:00\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
+#: 404.php:17
+msgid "This is somewhat embarrassing, isn&rsquo;t it?"
+msgstr ""
+#: 404.php:21
+msgid ""
+"It seems we can&rsquo;t find what you&rsquo;re looking for. Perhaps "
+"searching, or one of the links below, can help."
+msgstr ""
+#: archive.php:20
+msgid "Daily Archives: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: archive.php:22
+msgid "Monthly Archives: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: archive.php:22
+msgctxt "monthly archives date format"
+msgid "F Y"
+msgstr ""
+#: archive.php:24
+msgid "Yearly Archives: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: archive.php:24
+msgctxt "yearly archives date format"
+msgid "Y"
+msgstr ""
+#: archive.php:27
+msgid "Tag Archives: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: archive.php:35
+msgid "Category Archives: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: archive.php:42
+msgid "Blog Archives"
+msgstr ""
+#: archive.php:60 author.php:50 index.php:37 search.php:34
+msgid "Nothing Found"
+msgstr ""
+#: archive.php:64 author.php:54 index.php:41
+msgid ""
+"Apologies, but no results were found for the requested archive. Perhaps "
+"searching will help find a related post."
+msgstr ""
+#: author.php:18
+msgid "Author Archives: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: author.php:33 content-single.php:60
+msgid "About %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: comments.php:17
+msgid ""
+"This post is password protected. Enter the password to view any comments."
+msgstr ""
+#: comments.php:33
+msgid "One thought on &ldquo;%2$s&rdquo;"
+msgid_plural "%1$s thoughts on &ldquo;%2$s&rdquo;"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: comments.php:40 comments.php:52
+msgid "Comment navigation"
+msgstr ""
+#: comments.php:41 comments.php:53
+msgid "&larr; Older Comments"
+msgstr ""
+#: comments.php:42 comments.php:54
+msgid "Newer Comments &rarr;"
+msgstr ""
+#: comments.php:61
+msgid "Comments are closed."
+msgstr ""
+#: content-page.php:18 content-single.php:24 content.php:36 image.php:88
+msgid "Pages:"
+msgstr ""
+#: content-page.php:21 content-single.php:52 content.php:74 functions.php:128
+#: functions.php:156 image.php:35
+msgid "Edit"
+msgstr ""
+#. translators: used between list items, there is a space after the comma
+#: content-single.php:30 content-single.php:33 content.php:45 content.php:55
+msgid ", "
+msgstr ""
+#: content-single.php:35
+msgid ""
+"This entry was posted in %1$s and tagged %2$s by <a href=\"%6$s\">%5$s</a>. "
+"Bookmark the <a href=\"%3$s\" title=\"Permalink to %4$s\" rel=\"bookmark"
+msgstr ""
+#: content-single.php:37
+msgid ""
+"This entry was posted in %1$s by <a href=\"%6$s\">%5$s</a>. Bookmark the <a "
+"href=\"%3$s\" title=\"Permalink to %4$s\" rel=\"bookmark\">permalink</a>."
+msgstr ""
+#: content-single.php:39
+msgid ""
+"This entry was posted by <a href=\"%6$s\">%5$s</a>. Bookmark the <a href=\"%3"
+"$s\" title=\"Permalink to %4$s\" rel=\"bookmark\">permalink</a>."
+msgstr ""
+#: content-single.php:64
+msgid "View all posts by %s <span class=\"meta-nav\">&rarr;</span>"
+msgstr ""
+#: content.php:15 content.php:19
+msgid "Permalink to %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: content.php:16
+msgid "Featured"
+msgstr ""
+#: content.php:35
+msgid "Continue reading <span class=\"meta-nav\">&rarr;</span>"
+msgstr ""
+#: content.php:49
+msgid "<span class=\"%1$s\">Posted in</span> %2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: content.php:61
+msgid "<span class=\"%1$s\">Tagged</span> %2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: content.php:71
+msgid "Leave a reply"
+msgstr ""
+#: content.php:71
+msgid "<b>1</b> Reply"
+msgstr ""
+#: content.php:71
+msgid "<b>%</b> Replies"
+msgstr ""
+#. #-#-#-#-# twentytwelve.pot (Twenty Twelve .5) #-#-#-#-#
+#. Author URI of the plugin/theme
+#: footer.php:18
+msgid "http://wordpress.org/"
+msgstr ""
+#: footer.php:18
+msgid "Semantic Personal Publishing Platform"
+msgstr ""
+#: footer.php:18
+msgid "Proudly powered by %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: functions.php:64
+msgid "Primary Menu"
+msgstr ""
+#: functions.php:85
+msgid "Main Sidebar"
+msgstr ""
+#: functions.php:102
+msgid "Post navigation"
+msgstr ""
+#: functions.php:103
+msgid "<span class=\"meta-nav\">&larr;</span> Older posts"
+msgstr ""
+#: functions.php:104
+msgid "Newer posts <span class=\"meta-nav\">&rarr;</span>"
+msgstr ""
+#: functions.php:128
+msgid "Pingback:"
+msgstr ""
+#. translators: 1: comment author, 2: date and time
+#: functions.php:145
+msgid "%1$s on %2$s <span class=\"says\">said:</span>"
+msgstr ""
+#. translators: 1: date, 2: time
+#: functions.php:151
+msgid "%1$s at %2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: functions.php:160
+msgid "Your comment is awaiting moderation."
+msgstr ""
+#: functions.php:169
+msgid "Reply <span>&darr;</span>"
+msgstr ""
+#: functions.php:187
+msgid ""
+"<span class=\"sep\">Posted on </span><a href=\"%1$s\" title=\"%2$s\" rel="
+"\"bookmark\"><time class=\"entry-date\" datetime=\"%3$s\" pubdate>%4$s</"
+"time></a><span class=\"by-author\"> <span class=\"sep\"> by </span> <span "
+"class=\"author vcard\"><a class=\"url fn n\" href=\"%5$s\" title=\"%6$s\" "
+msgstr ""
+#: functions.php:193
+msgid "View all posts by %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: header.php:39
+msgid "Main menu"
+msgstr ""
+#: header.php:40
+msgid "Skip to primary content"
+msgstr ""
+#: header.php:41
+msgid "Skip to secondary content"
+msgstr ""
+#: image.php:24
+msgid ""
+"<span class=\"meta-prep meta-prep-entry-date\">Published </span> <span class="
+"\"entry-date\"><abbr class=\"published\" title=\"%1$s\">%2$s</abbr></span> "
+"at <a href=\"%3$s\" title=\"Link to full-size image\">%4$s &times; %5$s</a> "
+"in <a href=\"%6$s\" title=\"Return to %7$s\" rel=\"gallery\">%8$s</a>"
+msgstr ""
+#: image.php:39
+msgid "&larr; Previous"
+msgstr ""
+#: image.php:40
+msgid "Next &rarr;"
+msgstr ""
+#: search.php:18
+msgid "Search Results for: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: search.php:38
+msgid ""
+"Sorry, but nothing matched your search criteria. Please try again with some "
+"different keywords."
+msgstr ""
+#: sidebar.php:14
+msgid "Archives"
+msgstr ""
+#: sidebar.php:21
+msgid "Meta"
+msgstr ""
+#. Theme Name of the plugin/theme
+msgid "Twenty Twelve"
+msgstr ""
+#. Theme URI of the plugin/theme
+msgid "http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/twentytwelve"
+msgstr ""
+#. Description of the plugin/theme
+msgid "The 2012 theme for WordPress."
+msgstr ""
+#. Author of the plugin/theme
+msgid "the WordPress team"
+msgstr ""
<a id="trunkwpcontentthemestwentytwelvelicensetxt"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/license.txt (0 => 19842)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/license.txt         (rev 0)
+++ trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/license.txt        2012-02-06 22:23:41 UTC (rev 19842)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
</span><ins>+                 GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
+                 Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+                         Preamble
+ The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
+ We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+ Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+ Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+ stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+ b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+ whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+ part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+ parties under the terms of this License.
+ c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+ when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+ interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+ announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+ notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+ a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+ these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+ License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+ does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+ the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+ 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+ a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+ source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+ 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+ years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+ cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+ machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+ distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+ customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+ to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
+ allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+ received the program in object code or executable form with such
+ an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+ 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+ 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+ 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+ 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+ 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+ 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+ 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+                         NO WARRANTY
</ins><span class="cx">Property changes on: trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/license.txt
</span><span class="cx">___________________________________________________________________
<a id="svneolstyle"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: svn:eol-style</h4></div>
<a id="trunkwpcontentthemestwentytwelvepagephp"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/page.php (0 => 19842)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/page.php         (rev 0)
+++ trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/page.php        2012-02-06 22:23:41 UTC (rev 19842)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ * The template for displaying all pages.
+ *
+ * This is the template that displays all pages by default.
+ * Please note that this is the WordPress construct of pages
+ * and that other 'pages' on your WordPress site will use a
+ * different template.
+ *
+ * @package WordPress
+ * @subpackage Twenty_Twelve
+ * @since Twenty Twelve 1.0
+ */
+get_header(); ?>
+        <div id="primary">
+                <div id="content" role="main">
+                        <?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
+                                <?php get_template_part( 'content', 'page' ); ?>
+                                <?php comments_template( '', true ); ?>
+                        <?php endwhile; // end of the loop. ?>
+                </div><!-- #content -->
+        </div><!-- #primary -->
+<?php get_sidebar(); ?>
+<?php get_footer(); ?>
</ins><span class="cx">\ No newline at end of file
</span><span class="cx">Property changes on: trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/page.php
</span><span class="cx">___________________________________________________________________
<a id="svneolstyle"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: svn:eol-style</h4></div>
<a id="trunkwpcontentthemestwentytwelvereadmetxt"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/readme.txt (0 => 19842)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/readme.txt         (rev 0)
+++ trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/readme.txt        2012-02-06 22:23:41 UTC (rev 19842)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
</span><ins>+== Twenty Twelve ==
+= Changelog =
</ins><span class="cx">\ No newline at end of file
</span><span class="cx">Property changes on: trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/readme.txt
</span><span class="cx">___________________________________________________________________
<a id="svneolstyle"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: svn:eol-style</h4></div>
<a id="trunkwpcontentthemestwentytwelvertlcss"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/rtl.css (0 => 19842)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/rtl.css         (rev 0)
+++ trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/rtl.css        2012-02-06 22:23:41 UTC (rev 19842)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Theme Name: Twenty Twelve
+Adding support for language written in a Right To Left (RTL) direction is easy -
+it's just a matter of overwriting all the horizontal positioning attributes
+of your CSS stylesheet in a separate stylesheet file named rtl.css.
</ins><span class="cx">\ No newline at end of file
</span><span class="cx">Property changes on: trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/rtl.css
</span><span class="cx">___________________________________________________________________
<a id="svneolstyle"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: svn:eol-style</h4></div>
<a id="trunkwpcontentthemestwentytwelvescreenshotpng"></a>
<div class="binary"><h4>Added: trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/screenshot.png</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="cx">(Binary files differ)
<span class="cx">Property changes on: trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/screenshot.png
</span><span class="cx">___________________________________________________________________
</span><a id="svnmimetype"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: svn:mime-type</h4></div>
<a id="trunkwpcontentthemestwentytwelvesearchphp"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/search.php (0 => 19842)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/search.php         (rev 0)
+++ trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/search.php        2012-02-06 22:23:41 UTC (rev 19842)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ * The template for displaying Search Results pages.
+ *
+ * @package WordPress
+ * @subpackage Twenty_Twelve
+ * @since Twenty Twelve 1.0
+ */
+get_header(); ?>
+        <section id="primary">
+                <div id="content" role="main">
+                <?php if ( have_posts() ) : ?>
+                        <header class="page-header">
+                                <h1 class="page-title"><?php printf( __( 'Search Results for: %s', 'twentytwelve' ), '<span>' . get_search_query() . '</span>' ); ?></h1>
+                        </header>
+                        <?php twentytwelve_content_nav( 'nav-above' ); ?>
+                        <?php /* Start the Loop */ ?>
+                        <?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
+                                <?php get_template_part( 'content', get_post_format() ); ?>
+                        <?php endwhile; ?>
+                        <?php twentytwelve_content_nav( 'nav-below' ); ?>
+                <?php else : ?>
+                        <article id="post-0" class="post no-results not-found">
+                                <header class="entry-header">
+                                        <h1 class="entry-title"><?php _e( 'Nothing Found', 'twentytwelve' ); ?></h1>
+                                </header><!-- .entry-header -->
+                                <div class="entry-content">
+                                        <p><?php _e( 'Sorry, but nothing matched your search criteria. Please try again with some different keywords.', 'twentytwelve' ); ?></p>
+                                        <?php get_search_form(); ?>
+                                </div><!-- .entry-content -->
+                        </article><!-- #post-0 -->
+                <?php endif; ?>
+                </div><!-- #content -->
+        </section><!-- #primary -->
+<?php get_sidebar(); ?>
+<?php get_footer(); ?>
</ins><span class="cx">\ No newline at end of file
</span><span class="cx">Property changes on: trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/search.php
</span><span class="cx">___________________________________________________________________
<a id="svneolstyle"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: svn:eol-style</h4></div>
<a id="trunkwpcontentthemestwentytwelvesidebarphp"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/sidebar.php (0 => 19842)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/sidebar.php         (rev 0)
+++ trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/sidebar.php        2012-02-06 22:23:41 UTC (rev 19842)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ * The Sidebar containing the main widget area.
+ *
+ * @package WordPress
+ * @subpackage Twenty_Twelve
+ * @since Twenty Twelve 1.0
+ */
+        <div id="secondary" class="widget-area" role="complementary">
+                <?php if ( ! dynamic_sidebar( 'sidebar-1' ) ) : ?>
+                        <aside id="archives" class="widget">
+                                <h3 class="widget-title"><?php _e( 'Archives', 'twentytwelve' ); ?></h3>
+                                <ul>
+                                        <?php wp_get_archives( array( 'type' => 'monthly' ) ); ?>
+                                </ul>
+                        </aside>
+                        <aside id="meta" class="widget">
+                                <h3 class="widget-title"><?php _e( 'Meta', 'twentytwelve' ); ?></h3>
+                                <ul>
+                                        <?php wp_register(); ?>
+                                        <li><?php wp_loginout(); ?></li>
+                                        <?php wp_meta(); ?>
+                                </ul>
+                        </aside>
+                <?php endif; // end sidebar widget area ?>
+        </div><!-- #secondary .widget-area -->
</ins><span class="cx">\ No newline at end of file
</span><span class="cx">Property changes on: trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/sidebar.php
</span><span class="cx">___________________________________________________________________
<a id="svneolstyle"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: svn:eol-style</h4></div>
<a id="trunkwpcontentthemestwentytwelvesinglephp"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/single.php (0 => 19842)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/single.php         (rev 0)
+++ trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/single.php        2012-02-06 22:23:41 UTC (rev 19842)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ * The Template for displaying all single posts.
+ *
+ * @package WordPress
+ * @subpackage Twenty_Twelve
+ * @since Twenty Twelve 1.0
+ */
+get_header(); ?>
+        <div id="primary">
+                <div id="content" role="main">
+                        <?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
+                                <?php get_template_part( 'content', 'single' ); ?>
+                                <?php
+                                        // If comments are open or we have at least one comment, load up the comment template
+                                        if ( comments_open() || '0' != get_comments_number() )
+                                                comments_template( '', true );
+                                ?>
+                        <?php endwhile; // end of the loop. ?>
+                </div><!-- #content -->
+        </div><!-- #primary -->
+<?php get_sidebar(); ?>
+<?php get_footer(); ?>
</ins><span class="cx">\ No newline at end of file
</span><span class="cx">Property changes on: trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/single.php
</span><span class="cx">___________________________________________________________________
<a id="svneolstyle"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: svn:eol-style</h4></div>
<a id="trunkwpcontentthemestwentytwelvestylecss"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/style.css (0 => 19842)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/style.css         (rev 0)
+++ trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/style.css        2012-02-06 22:23:41 UTC (rev 19842)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -0,0 +1,523 @@
+Theme Name: Twenty Twelve
+Theme URI: http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/twentytwelve
+Author: the WordPress team
+Author URI: http://wordpress.org/
+Description: The 2012 theme for WordPress.
+Version: .5
+License: GNU General Public License
+License URI: license.txt
+Tags: white, light, two-columns, right-sidebar, responsive-width, custom-background, custom-menu, microformats, post-formats, rtl-language-support, translation-ready
+This theme, like WordPress, is licensed under the GPL.
+Use it to make something cool, have fun, and share what you've learned with others.
+/* _reset.scss
+ * Zero it out ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+html, body, div, span, applet, object, iframe, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre, a, abbr, acronym, address, big, cite, code, del, dfn, em, img, ins, kbd, q, s, samp, small, strike, strong, sub, sup, tt, var, b, u, i, center, dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li, fieldset, form, label, legend, table, caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td, article, aside, canvas, details, embed, figure, figcaption, footer, header, hgroup, menu, nav, output, ruby, section, summary, time, mark, audio, video {
+        margin: 0;
+        padding: 0;
+        border: 0;
+        font-size: 100%;
+        vertical-align: baseline;
+body {
+        line-height: 1;
+ol, ul {
+        list-style: none;
+blockquote, q {
+        quotes: none;
+blockquote:before, blockquote:after,
+q:before, q:after {
+        content: '';
+        content: none;
+table {
+        border-collapse: collapse;
+        border-spacing: 0;
+html {
+        overflow-y: scroll;
+        font-size: 100%;
+        -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;
+        -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%;
+a:focus {
+        outline: thin dotted;
+section {
+        display: block;
+video {
+        display: inline-block;
+        *display: inline;
+        *zoom: 1;
+audio:not([controls]) {
+        display: none;
+sup {
+        font-size: 75%;
+        line-height: 0;
+        position: relative;
+        vertical-align: baseline;
+sup {
+        top: -0.5em;
+sub {
+        bottom: -0.25em;
+img {
+        border: 0;
+        -ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic;
+.clear {
+        zoom: 1;
+.clear:before, .clear:after {
+        display: table;
+        content: "";
+.clear:after {
+        clear: both;
+/* scaffolding.css.scss
+* Basic structure
+* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+Body, links, basics
+------------------------------------------------------------ */
+html {
+        font-size: 87.5%;
+body {
+        font-size: 14px;
+        font-size: 1rem;
+        font-family: "Open Sans", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
+        text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;
+        color: #444444;
+a {
+        outline: none;
+        color: #177095;
+a:hover {
+        color: #092e3d;
+.assistive-text {
+        display: none;
+Page structure
+------------------------------------------------------------ */
+div#page {
+        padding: 0 24px;
+        padding: 0 1.714285714rem;
+        background-color: #fff;
+@media screen and (min-width: 600px) {
+        div#page {
+                zoom: 1;
+                margin: 0 auto;
+                max-width: 960px;
+                max-width: 68.571428571rem;
+        }
+        div#page:before, div#page:after {
+                display: table;
+                content: "";
+        }
+        div#page:after {
+                clear: both;
+        }
+div#primary {
+        margin: 24px 0;
+        margin: 1.714285714rem 0;
+@media screen and (min-width: 600px) {
+        div#primary {
+                float: left;
+                width: 65.104166667%;
+        }
+div#secondary {
+        margin: 24px 0;
+        margin: 1.714285714rem 0;
+@media screen and (min-width: 600px) {
+        div#secondary {
+                float: right;
+                width: 26.041666667%;
+        }
+------------------------------------------------------------ */
+header#masthead {
+        padding: 24px 0;
+        padding: 1.714285714rem 0;
+header#masthead hgroup h1,
+header#masthead hgroup h2 {
+        text-align: center;
+@media screen and (min-width: 600px) {
+        header#masthead hgroup h1,
+        header#masthead hgroup h2 {
+                text-align: left;
+        }
+header#masthead hgroup h1 a,
+header#masthead hgroup h2 a {
+        color: #444444;
+        text-decoration: none;
+header#masthead hgroup h1 a:hover,
+header#masthead hgroup h2 a:hover {
+        color: #177095;
+        text-decoration: underline;
+header#masthead hgroup h1 {
+        font-size: 24px;
+        font-size: 1.714285714rem;
+        line-height: 2;
+@media screen and (min-width: 600px) {
+        header#masthead hgroup h1 {
+                font-size: 30px;
+                font-size: 2.142857143rem;
+                line-height: 1.6;
+        }
+header#masthead hgroup h2 {
+        font-weight: normal;
+        font-size: 13px;
+        font-size: 0.928571429rem;
+        line-height: 1.846153846;
+------------------------------------------------------------ */
+nav[role="navigation"] {
+        display: inline-block;
+        margin-top: 24px;
+        margin-top: 1.714285714rem;
+        width: 100%;
+        font-size: 13px;
+        font-size: 0.928571429rem;
+        border-bottom: 1px solid #ededed;
+        border-top: 1px solid #ededed;
+@media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
+        nav[role="navigation"] {
+                -webkit-column-count: 2;
+                -webkit-column-gap: 0.714285714rem;
+                -moz-column-count: 2;
+                -moz-column-gap: 0.714285714rem;
+                column-count: 2;
+                column-gap: 0.714285714rem;
+                text-align: center;
+        }
+nav[role="navigation"] ul {
+        margin: 0;
+        text-indent: 0;
+nav[role="navigation"] li ul li {
+        padding-left: 0;
+nav[role="navigation"] li a,
+nav[role="navigation"] li {
+        display: inline-block;
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+/* index.css.scss
+* Basic post styling
+* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+Basic post styling
+------------------------------------------------------------ */
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</ins><span class="cx">\ No newline at end of file
</span><span class="cx">Property changes on: trunk/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/style.css
</span><span class="cx">___________________________________________________________________
<a id="svneolstyle"></a>
<div class="addfile"><h4>Added: svn:eol-style</h4></div>