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<title>[16984] trunk/wp-admin/network: Network Admin: Rename Options to Settings.</title>
<div id="msg">
<dt>Revision</dt> <dd><a href="http://trac.wordpress.org/changeset/16984">16984</a></dd>
<dt>Author</dt> <dd>nacin</dd>
<dt>Date</dt> <dd>2010-12-16 07:13:01 +0000 (Thu, 16 Dec 2010)</dd>
<h3>Log Message</h3>
<pre>Network Admin: Rename Options to Settings. Kick the tab to the end as well. see <a href="http://trac.wordpress.org/ticket/15314">#15314</a>.</pre>
<h3>Modified Paths</h3>
<li><a href="#trunkwpadminnetworksiteinfophp">trunk/wp-admin/network/site-info.php</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkwpadminnetworksitethemesphp">trunk/wp-admin/network/site-themes.php</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkwpadminnetworksiteusersphp">trunk/wp-admin/network/site-users.php</a></li>
<h3>Added Paths</h3>
<li><a href="#trunkwpadminnetworksitesettingsphp">trunk/wp-admin/network/site-settings.php</a></li>
<h3>Removed Paths</h3>
<li><a href="#trunkwpadminnetworksiteoptionsphp">trunk/wp-admin/network/site-options.php</a></li>
<div id="patch">
<a id="trunkwpadminnetworksiteinfophp"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/wp-admin/network/site-info.php (16983 => 16984)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/wp-admin/network/site-info.php        2010-12-16 07:07:42 UTC (rev 16983)
+++ trunk/wp-admin/network/site-info.php        2010-12-16 07:13:01 UTC (rev 16984)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
</span><span class="cx">
</span><span class="cx"> add_contextual_help($current_screen,
</span><span class="cx">         '<p>' . __('The menu is for editing information specific to individual sites, particularly if the admin area of a site is unavailable.') . '</p>' .
</span><del>-        '<p>' . __('<strong>Info</strong> The domain and path are rarely edited as this can cause the site to not work properly. The Registered date and Last Updated date are displayed. Network admins can mark a site as Archived, Spammed, Deleted and Mature, to remove from public listings or disable.') . '</p>' .
</del><ins>+        '<p>' . __('<strong>Info</strong> - The domain and path are rarely edited as this can cause the site to not work properly. The Registered date and Last Updated date are displayed. Network admins can mark a site as Archived, Spammed, Deleted and Mature, to remove from public listings or disable.') . '</p>' .
</ins><span class="cx">         '<p>' . __('See the contextual help on the next tab. ') . '</p>' .
</span><span class="cx">         '<p><strong>' . __('For more information:') . '</strong></p>' .
</span><span class="cx">         '<p>' . __('<a href="http://codex.wordpress.org/Super_Admin_Options_SubPanel" target="_blank">Documentation on Network Settings</a>') . '</p>' .
</span><span class="lines">@@ -89,8 +89,12 @@
</span><span class="cx"> <h2 id="edit-site"><?php echo $title ?></h2>
</span><span class="cx"> <h3 class="nav-tab-wrapper">
</span><span class="cx"> <?php
</span><del>-$tabs = array( 'site-info' => array( 'label' => __('Info'), 'url' => 'site-info.php'), 'site-options' => array( 'label' => __('Options'), 'url' => 'site-options.php'),
-                         'site-users' => array( 'label' => __('Users'), 'url' => 'site-users.php'), 'site-themes' => array( 'label' => __('Themes'), 'url' => 'site-themes.php'));
</del><ins>+$tabs = array(
+        'site-info' => array( 'label' => __( 'Info' ), 'url' => 'site-info.php' ),
+        'site-users' => array( 'label' => __( 'Users' ), 'url' => 'site-users.php' ),
+        'site-themes' => array( 'label' => __( 'Themes' ), 'url' => 'site-themes.php' ),
+        'site-settings' => array( 'label' => __( 'Settings' ), 'url' => 'site-settings.php' ),
</ins><span class="cx"> foreach ( $tabs as $tab_id => $tab ) {
</span><span class="cx">         $class = ( $tab['url'] == $pagenow ) ? ' nav-tab-active' : '';
</span><span class="cx">         echo '<a href="' . $tab['url'] . '?id=' . $id .'" class="nav-tab' . $class . '">' . esc_html( $tab['label'] ) . '</a>';
<a id="trunkwpadminnetworksiteoptionsphp"></a>
<div class="delfile"><h4>Deleted: trunk/wp-admin/network/site-options.php (16983 => 16984)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/wp-admin/network/site-options.php        2010-12-16 07:07:42 UTC (rev 16983)
+++ trunk/wp-admin/network/site-options.php        2010-12-16 07:13:01 UTC (rev 16984)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
- * Edit Site Options Administration Screen
- *
- * @package WordPress
- * @subpackage Multisite
- * @since 3.1.0
- */
-/** Load WordPress Administration Bootstrap */
-require_once( './admin.php' );
-if ( ! is_multisite() )
-        wp_die( __( 'Multisite support is not enabled.' ) );
-if ( ! current_user_can('manage_sites') )
-        wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to edit this site.'));
-        '<p>' . __('The menu is for editing information specific to individual sites, particularly if the admin area of a site is unavailable.') . '</p>' .
-        '<p>' . __('<strong>Options</strong> This page shows a list of all options associated with this site. Some are created by WordPress and others are created by plugins you activate. Note that some fields are grayed out and say Serialized Data. You cannot modify these values due to the way the option is stored in the database.') . '</p>' .
-        '<p>' . __('See the contextual help on the next tab. ') . '</p>' .
-        '<p><strong>' . __('For more information:') . '</strong></p>' .
-        '<p>' . __('<a href="http://codex.wordpress.org/Super_Admin_Options_SubPanel" target="_blank">Documentation on Network Settings</a>') . '</p>' .
-        '<p>' . __('<a href="http://wordpress.org/support/multisite/" target="_blank">Support Forums</a>') . '</p>'
-$id = isset( $_REQUEST['id'] ) ? intval( $_REQUEST['id'] ) : 0;
-if ( ! $id )
-        wp_die( __('Invalid site ID.') );
-$details = get_blog_details( $id );
-if ( !can_edit_network( $details->site_id ) )
-        wp_die( __( 'You do not have permission to access this page.' ) );
-$is_main_site = is_main_site( $id );
-if ( isset($_REQUEST['action']) && 'update-site' == $_REQUEST['action'] && is_array( $_POST['option'] ) ) {
-        check_admin_referer( 'edit-site' );
-        switch_to_blog( $id );
-        $c = 1;
-        $count = count( $_POST['option'] );
-        $skip_options = array( 'allowedthemes' ); // Don't update these options since they are handled elsewhere in the form.
-        foreach ( (array) $_POST['option'] as $key => $val ) {
-                if ( $key === 0 || is_array( $val ) || in_array($key, $skip_options) )
-                        continue; // Avoids "0 is a protected WP option and may not be modified" error when edit blog options
-                if ( $c == $count )
-                        update_option( $key, stripslashes( $val ) );
-                else
-                        update_option( $key, stripslashes( $val ), false ); // no need to refresh blog details yet
-                $c++;
-        }
-        do_action( 'wpmu_update_blog_options' );
-        restore_current_blog();
-        wp_redirect( add_query_arg( array( 'update' => 'updated', 'id' => $id ), 'site-options.php') );
-        exit;
-if ( isset($_GET['update']) ) {
-        $messages = array();
-        if ( 'updated' == $_GET['update'] )
-                $messages[] = __('Site options updated.');
-$title = sprintf( __('Edit Site: %s'), get_blogaddress_by_id($id));
-$parent_file = 'sites.php';
-$submenu_file = 'sites.php';
-<div class="wrap">
-<?php screen_icon('ms-admin'); ?>
-<h2 id="edit-site"><?php echo $title ?></h2>
-<h3 class="nav-tab-wrapper">
-$tabs = array( 'site-info' => array( 'label' => __('Info'), 'url' => 'site-info.php'), 'site-options' => array( 'label' => __('Options'), 'url' => 'site-options.php'),
-                         'site-users' => array( 'label' => __('Users'), 'url' => 'site-users.php'), 'site-themes' => array( 'label' => __('Themes'), 'url' => 'site-themes.php'));
-foreach ( $tabs as $tab_id => $tab ) {
-        $class = ( $tab['url'] == $pagenow ) ? ' nav-tab-active' : '';
-        echo '<a href="' . $tab['url'] . '?id=' . $id .'" class="nav-tab' . $class . '">' . esc_html( $tab['label'] ) . '</a>';
-if ( ! empty( $messages ) ) {
-        foreach ( $messages as $msg )
-                echo '<div id="message" class="updated"><p>' . $msg . '</p></div>';
-} ?>
-<form method="post" action="site-options.php?action=update-site">
-        <?php wp_nonce_field( 'edit-site' ); ?>
-        <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $id ) ?>" />
-        <table class="form-table">
-                <?php
-                $blog_prefix = $wpdb->get_blog_prefix( $id );
-                $options = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT * FROM {$blog_prefix}options WHERE option_name NOT LIKE '\_%' AND option_name NOT LIKE '%user_roles'" );
-                foreach ( $options as $option ) {
-                        if ( $option->option_name == 'default_role' )
-                                $editblog_default_role = $option->option_value;
-                        $disabled = false;
-                        $class = 'all-options';
-                        if ( is_serialized( $option->option_value ) ) {
-                                if ( is_serialized_string( $option->option_value ) ) {
-                                        $option->option_value = esc_html( maybe_unserialize( $option->option_value ), 'single' );
-                                } else {
-                                        $option->option_value = 'SERIALIZED DATA';
-                                        $disabled = true;
-                                        $class = 'all-options disabled';
-                                }
-                        }
-                        if ( strpos( $option->option_value, "\n" ) !== false ) {
-                        ?>
-                                <tr class="form-field">
-                                        <th scope="row"><?php echo ucwords( str_replace( "_", " ", $option->option_name ) ) ?></th>
-                                        <td><textarea class="<?php echo $class; ?>" rows="5" cols="40" name="option[<?php echo esc_attr( $option->option_name ) ?>]" id="<?php echo esc_attr( $option->option_name ) ?>"<?php disabled( $disabled ) ?>><?php echo esc_textarea( $option->option_value ) ?></textarea></td>
-                                </tr>
-                        <?php
-                        } else {
-                        ?>
-                                <tr class="form-field">
-                                        <th scope="row"><?php echo esc_html( ucwords( str_replace( "_", " ", $option->option_name ) ) ); ?></th>
-                                        <?php if ( $is_main_site && in_array( $option->option_name, array( 'siteurl', 'home' ) ) ) { ?>
-                                        <td><code><?php echo esc_html( $option->option_value ) ?></code></td>
-                                        <?php } else { ?>
-                                        <td><input class="<?php echo $class; ?>" name="option[<?php echo esc_attr( $option->option_name ) ?>]" type="text" id="<?php echo esc_attr( $option->option_name ) ?>" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $option->option_value ) ?>" size="40" <?php disabled( $disabled ) ?> /></td>
-                                        <?php } ?>
-                                </tr>
-                        <?php
-                        }
-                } // End foreach
-                do_action( 'wpmueditblogaction', $id );
-                ?>
-        </table>
-        <?php submit_button(); ?>
<a id="trunkwpadminnetworksitesettingsphpfromrev16983trunkwpadminnetworksiteoptionsphp"></a>
<div class="copfile"><h4>Copied: trunk/wp-admin/network/site-settings.php (from rev 16983, trunk/wp-admin/network/site-options.php) (0 => 16984)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/wp-admin/network/site-settings.php         (rev 0)
+++ trunk/wp-admin/network/site-settings.php        2010-12-16 07:13:01 UTC (rev 16984)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+ * Edit Site Settings Administration Screen
+ *
+ * @package WordPress
+ * @subpackage Multisite
+ * @since 3.1.0
+ */
+/** Load WordPress Administration Bootstrap */
+require_once( './admin.php' );
+if ( ! is_multisite() )
+        wp_die( __( 'Multisite support is not enabled.' ) );
+if ( ! current_user_can('manage_sites') )
+        wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to edit this site.'));
+        '<p>' . __('The menu is for editing information specific to individual sites, particularly if the admin area of a site is unavailable.') . '</p>' .
+        '<p>' . __('<strong>Settings</strong> - This page shows a list of all settings associated with this site. Some are created by WordPress and others are created by plugins you activate. Note that some fields are grayed out and say Serialized Data. You cannot modify these values due to the way the setting is stored in the database.') . '</p>' .
+        '<p>' . __('See the contextual help on the next tab. ') . '</p>' .
+        '<p><strong>' . __('For more information:') . '</strong></p>' .
+        '<p>' . __('<a href="http://codex.wordpress.org/Super_Admin_Options_SubPanel" target="_blank">Documentation on Network Settings</a>') . '</p>' .
+        '<p>' . __('<a href="http://wordpress.org/support/multisite/" target="_blank">Support Forums</a>') . '</p>'
+$id = isset( $_REQUEST['id'] ) ? intval( $_REQUEST['id'] ) : 0;
+if ( ! $id )
+        wp_die( __('Invalid site ID.') );
+$details = get_blog_details( $id );
+if ( !can_edit_network( $details->site_id ) )
+        wp_die( __( 'You do not have permission to access this page.' ) );
+$is_main_site = is_main_site( $id );
+if ( isset($_REQUEST['action']) && 'update-site' == $_REQUEST['action'] && is_array( $_POST['option'] ) ) {
+        check_admin_referer( 'edit-site' );
+        switch_to_blog( $id );
+        $c = 1;
+        $count = count( $_POST['option'] );
+        $skip_options = array( 'allowedthemes' ); // Don't update these options since they are handled elsewhere in the form.
+        foreach ( (array) $_POST['option'] as $key => $val ) {
+                if ( $key === 0 || is_array( $val ) || in_array($key, $skip_options) )
+                        continue; // Avoids "0 is a protected WP option and may not be modified" error when edit blog options
+                if ( $c == $count )
+                        update_option( $key, stripslashes( $val ) );
+                else
+                        update_option( $key, stripslashes( $val ), false ); // no need to refresh blog details yet
+                $c++;
+        }
+        do_action( 'wpmu_update_blog_options' );
+        restore_current_blog();
+        wp_redirect( add_query_arg( array( 'update' => 'updated', 'id' => $id ), 'site-options.php') );
+        exit;
+if ( isset($_GET['update']) ) {
+        $messages = array();
+        if ( 'updated' == $_GET['update'] )
+                $messages[] = __('Site options updated.');
+$title = sprintf( __('Edit Site: %s'), get_blogaddress_by_id($id));
+$parent_file = 'sites.php';
+$submenu_file = 'sites.php';
+<div class="wrap">
+<?php screen_icon('ms-admin'); ?>
+<h2 id="edit-site"><?php echo $title ?></h2>
+<h3 class="nav-tab-wrapper">
+$tabs = array(
+        'site-info' => array( 'label' => __( 'Info' ), 'url' => 'site-info.php' ),
+        'site-users' => array( 'label' => __( 'Users' ), 'url' => 'site-users.php' ),
+        'site-themes' => array( 'label' => __( 'Themes' ), 'url' => 'site-themes.php' ),
+        'site-settings' => array( 'label' => __( 'Settings' ), 'url' => 'site-settings.php' ),
+foreach ( $tabs as $tab_id => $tab ) {
+        $class = ( $tab['url'] == $pagenow ) ? ' nav-tab-active' : '';
+        echo '<a href="' . $tab['url'] . '?id=' . $id .'" class="nav-tab' . $class . '">' . esc_html( $tab['label'] ) . '</a>';
+if ( ! empty( $messages ) ) {
+        foreach ( $messages as $msg )
+                echo '<div id="message" class="updated"><p>' . $msg . '</p></div>';
+} ?>
+<form method="post" action="site-options.php?action=update-site">
+        <?php wp_nonce_field( 'edit-site' ); ?>
+        <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $id ) ?>" />
+        <table class="form-table">
+                <?php
+                $blog_prefix = $wpdb->get_blog_prefix( $id );
+                $options = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT * FROM {$blog_prefix}options WHERE option_name NOT LIKE '\_%' AND option_name NOT LIKE '%user_roles'" );
+                foreach ( $options as $option ) {
+                        if ( $option->option_name == 'default_role' )
+                                $editblog_default_role = $option->option_value;
+                        $disabled = false;
+                        $class = 'all-options';
+                        if ( is_serialized( $option->option_value ) ) {
+                                if ( is_serialized_string( $option->option_value ) ) {
+                                        $option->option_value = esc_html( maybe_unserialize( $option->option_value ), 'single' );
+                                } else {
+                                        $option->option_value = 'SERIALIZED DATA';
+                                        $disabled = true;
+                                        $class = 'all-options disabled';
+                                }
+                        }
+                        if ( strpos( $option->option_value, "\n" ) !== false ) {
+                        ?>
+                                <tr class="form-field">
+                                        <th scope="row"><?php echo ucwords( str_replace( "_", " ", $option->option_name ) ) ?></th>
+                                        <td><textarea class="<?php echo $class; ?>" rows="5" cols="40" name="option[<?php echo esc_attr( $option->option_name ) ?>]" id="<?php echo esc_attr( $option->option_name ) ?>"<?php disabled( $disabled ) ?>><?php echo esc_textarea( $option->option_value ) ?></textarea></td>
+                                </tr>
+                        <?php
+                        } else {
+                        ?>
+                                <tr class="form-field">
+                                        <th scope="row"><?php echo esc_html( ucwords( str_replace( "_", " ", $option->option_name ) ) ); ?></th>
+                                        <?php if ( $is_main_site && in_array( $option->option_name, array( 'siteurl', 'home' ) ) ) { ?>
+                                        <td><code><?php echo esc_html( $option->option_value ) ?></code></td>
+                                        <?php } else { ?>
+                                        <td><input class="<?php echo $class; ?>" name="option[<?php echo esc_attr( $option->option_name ) ?>]" type="text" id="<?php echo esc_attr( $option->option_name ) ?>" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $option->option_value ) ?>" size="40" <?php disabled( $disabled ) ?> /></td>
+                                        <?php } ?>
+                                </tr>
+                        <?php
+                        }
+                } // End foreach
+                do_action( 'wpmueditblogaction', $id );
+                ?>
+        </table>
+        <?php submit_button(); ?>
<a id="trunkwpadminnetworksitethemesphp"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/wp-admin/network/site-themes.php (16983 => 16984)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/wp-admin/network/site-themes.php        2010-12-16 07:07:42 UTC (rev 16983)
+++ trunk/wp-admin/network/site-themes.php        2010-12-16 07:13:01 UTC (rev 16984)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -125,8 +125,12 @@
</span><span class="cx"> <h2 id="edit-site"><?php echo $title ?></h2>
</span><span class="cx"> <h3 class="nav-tab-wrapper">
</span><span class="cx"> <?php
</span><del>-$tabs = array( 'site-info' => array( 'label' => __('Info'), 'url' => 'site-info.php'), 'site-options' => array( 'label' => __('Options'), 'url' => 'site-options.php'),
-                         'site-users' => array( 'label' => __('Users'), 'url' => 'site-users.php'), 'site-themes' => array( 'label' => __('Themes'), 'url' => 'site-themes.php'));
</del><ins>+$tabs = array(
+        'site-info' => array( 'label' => __( 'Info' ), 'url' => 'site-info.php' ),
+        'site-users' => array( 'label' => __( 'Users' ), 'url' => 'site-users.php' ),
+        'site-themes' => array( 'label' => __( 'Themes' ), 'url' => 'site-themes.php' ),
+        'site-settings' => array( 'label' => __( 'Settings' ), 'url' => 'site-settings.php' ),
</ins><span class="cx"> foreach ( $tabs as $tab_id => $tab ) {
</span><span class="cx">         $class = ( $tab['url'] == $pagenow ) ? ' nav-tab-active' : '';
</span><span class="cx">         echo '<a href="' . $tab['url'] . '?id=' . $id .'" class="nav-tab' . $class . '">' . esc_html( $tab['label'] ) . '</a>';
<a id="trunkwpadminnetworksiteusersphp"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/wp-admin/network/site-users.php (16983 => 16984)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/wp-admin/network/site-users.php        2010-12-16 07:07:42 UTC (rev 16983)
+++ trunk/wp-admin/network/site-users.php        2010-12-16 07:13:01 UTC (rev 16984)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
</span><span class="cx">
</span><span class="cx"> add_contextual_help($current_screen,
</span><span class="cx">         '<p>' . __('The menu is for editing information specific to individual sites, particularly if the admin area of a site is unavailable.') . '</p>' .
</span><del>-        '<p>' . __('<strong>Users</strong> This displays the users associated with this site. You can also change their role, reset their passowrd, or remove them from the site. Removing the user from the site does not remove the user from the network. ') . '</p>' .
</del><ins>+        '<p>' . __('<strong>Users</strong> - This displays the users associated with this site. You can also change their role, reset their passowrd, or remove them from the site. Removing the user from the site does not remove the user from the network. ') . '</p>' .
</ins><span class="cx">         '<p>' . __('See the contextual help on the next tab. ') . '</p>' .
</span><span class="cx">         '<p><strong>' . __('For more information:') . '</strong></p>' .
</span><span class="cx">         '<p>' . __('<a href="http://codex.wordpress.org/Super_Admin_Options_SubPanel" target="_blank">Documentation on Network Settings</a>') . '</p>' .
</span><span class="lines">@@ -163,8 +163,12 @@
</span><span class="cx"> <h2 id="edit-site"><?php echo $title ?></h2>
</span><span class="cx"> <h3 class="nav-tab-wrapper">
</span><span class="cx"> <?php
</span><del>-$tabs = array( 'site-info' => array( 'label' => __('Info'), 'url' => 'site-info.php'), 'site-options' => array( 'label' => __('Options'), 'url' => 'site-options.php'),
-                         'site-users' => array( 'label' => __('Users'), 'url' => 'site-users.php'), 'site-themes' => array( 'label' => __('Themes'), 'url' => 'site-themes.php'));
</del><ins>+$tabs = array(
+        'site-info' => array( 'label' => __( 'Info' ), 'url' => 'site-info.php' ),
+        'site-users' => array( 'label' => __( 'Users' ), 'url' => 'site-users.php' ),
+        'site-themes' => array( 'label' => __( 'Themes' ), 'url' => 'site-themes.php' ),
+        'site-settings' => array( 'label' => __( 'Settings' ), 'url' => 'site-settings.php' ),
</ins><span class="cx"> foreach ( $tabs as $tab_id => $tab ) {
</span><span class="cx">         $class = ( $tab['url'] == $pagenow ) ? ' nav-tab-active' : '';
</span><span class="cx">         echo '<a href="' . $tab['url'] . '?id=' . $id .'" class="nav-tab' . $class . '">' . esc_html( $tab['label'] ) . '</a>';