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<title>[12398] trunk: Fix some more html encoding in email subject issues.</title>
<div id="msg">
<dt>Revision</dt> <dd><a href="http://trac.wordpress.org/changeset/12398">12398</a></dd>
<dt>Author</dt> <dd>westi</dd>
<dt>Date</dt> <dd>2009-12-14 22:09:54 +0000 (Mon, 14 Dec 2009)</dd>
<h3>Log Message</h3>
<pre>Fix some more html encoding in email subject issues. Fixes <a href="http://trac.wordpress.org/ticket/9913">#9913</a>.</pre>
<h3>Modified Paths</h3>
<li><a href="#trunkwpincludespluggablephp">trunk/wp-includes/pluggable.php</a></li>
<li><a href="#trunkwploginphp">trunk/wp-login.php</a></li>
<div id="patch">
<a id="trunkwpincludespluggablephp"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/wp-includes/pluggable.php (12397 => 12398)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/wp-includes/pluggable.php        2009-12-14 16:46:05 UTC (rev 12397)
+++ trunk/wp-includes/pluggable.php        2009-12-14 22:09:54 UTC (rev 12398)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -1136,7 +1136,10 @@
</span><span class="cx">         // but check to see if it's the admin whose password we're changing, and skip this
</span><span class="cx">         if ( $user->user_email != get_option('admin_email') ) {
</span><span class="cx">                 $message = sprintf(__('Password Lost and Changed for user: %s'), $user->user_login) . "\r\n";
</span><del>-                wp_mail(get_option('admin_email'), sprintf(__('[%s] Password Lost/Changed'), @html_entity_decode(get_option('blogname'), ENT_QUOTES, get_option('blog_charset'))), $message);
</del><ins>+                // The blogname option is escaped with esc_html on the way into the database in sanitize_option
+                // we want to reverse this for the plain text arena of emails.
+                $blogname = wp_specialchars_decode(get_option('blogname'), ENT_QUOTES);
+                wp_mail(get_option('admin_email'), sprintf(__('[%s] Password Lost/Changed'), $blogname), $message);
</ins><span class="cx">         }
</span><span class="cx"> }
</span><span class="cx"> endif;
<a id="trunkwploginphp"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/wp-login.php (12397 => 12398)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/wp-login.php        2009-12-14 16:46:05 UTC (rev 12397)
+++ trunk/wp-login.php        2009-12-14 22:09:54 UTC (rev 12398)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -167,8 +167,12 @@
</span><span class="cx">         $message .= __('To reset your password visit the following address, otherwise just ignore this email and nothing will happen.') . "\r\n\r\n";
</span><span class="cx">         $message .= site_url("wp-login.php?action=rp&key=$key&login=" . rawurlencode($user_login), 'login') . "\r\n";
</span><span class="cx">
</span><del>-        $title = sprintf(__('[%s] Password Reset'), get_option('blogname'));
</del><ins>+        // The blogname option is escaped with esc_html on the way into the database in sanitize_option
+        // we want to reverse this for the plain text arena of emails.
+        $blogname = wp_specialchars_decode(get_option('blogname'), ENT_QUOTES);
</ins><span class="cx">
</span><ins>+        $title = sprintf(__('[%s] Password Reset'), $blogname);
</ins><span class="cx">         $title = apply_filters('retrieve_password_title', $title);
</span><span class="cx">         $message = apply_filters('retrieve_password_message', $message, $key);
</span><span class="cx">
</span><span class="lines">@@ -212,8 +216,12 @@
</span><span class="cx">         $message .= sprintf(__('Password: %s'), $new_pass) . "\r\n";
</span><span class="cx">         $message .= site_url('wp-login.php', 'login') . "\r\n";
</span><span class="cx">
</span><del>-        $title = sprintf(__('[%s] Your new password'), get_option('blogname'));
</del><ins>+        // The blogname option is escaped with esc_html on the way into the database in sanitize_option
+        // we want to reverse this for the plain text arena of emails.
+        $blogname = wp_specialchars_decode(get_option('blogname'), ENT_QUOTES);
</ins><span class="cx">
</span><ins>+        $title = sprintf(__('[%s] Your new password'), $blogname);
</ins><span class="cx">         $title = apply_filters('password_reset_title', $title);
</span><span class="cx">         $message = apply_filters('password_reset_message', $message, $new_pass);
</span><span class="cx">