{Disarmed} Re: [wp-pro] need ] Need to hire wordpress web developer and marketing

Aaron D. Campbell aaron at xavisys.com
Tue Jun 17 15:44:42 GMT 2008

Brian York wrote:
> I've been biting my tongue on this, but I think the best solution 
> might be that we, as adults, ingore the emails that are below budget 
> or offensive in any way.  Rules only create more rules.
I have to throw my +1 at this.  Someone also said that the replies to 
the low-ball jobs create more clutter in his inbox than the low-ball 
jobs themselves, and I agree.  Also, like another person said, there are 
times when what may seem like a low-ball job to me, actually benefits 
both sides.  I know there are people in Uganda that are beyond happy to 
make $7/day making jewelery (7x what they can make doing other things), 
and if they ever got computers to the Acholi Quarter then I'd be 
ecstatic that they were getting work, not upset at the low-pay.  I 
personally can't work for anywhere near that, but that doesn't mean 
others can't, and I'm happy for them if they can.

Miriam Schwab wrote:
> I'm interested to know if anyone here has gotten any decent projects 
> from this list? If not, it may be worthwhile trying to figure out how 
> to get the idea across that this list consists of professionals with 
> professional level experience and pricing.
Yes, I've gotten work off this list.  Some people want someone with 
experience, professionalism, and even US Based.  I can't compete with 
foreign rates, but I don't try to, and sometimes you don't have to.  I'm 
going to share some of my fees here so people know I'm not taking 
minimum wage work.  Please don't slam me for being too cheap, or think 
I'm bragging, these are the rates I use to support my family here in 
Arizona, US.  (Also, I'm a programmer, not a designer, just for people's 

I charged $55/hr for most projects that I've gotten from this list, and 
raised my rate to $65/hr recently.  I'm definitely not the most 
expensive guy out there, but I don't think those are horrible rates.  I 
haven't got anything huge, mostly 10-20 hour projects, but I've gotten 
more than a few.

I have a separate rate for non-profits and socially proactive businesses 
that have a good cause.  I give a 33% discount, which meant roughly 
$36/hr on the old rate, and roughly $43/hr on the new.  Using those 
rates, I picked up a really great non-profit client from here.  One that 
has done probably 50+ hours with me, has more on the way, and and we've 
built a good working relationship.

I've gotten all that work without needing to slam people for asking for 
work for cheap, I just don't respond to those.

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