[wp-pro] WordPress Coolie

John G john.gibbons at pobox.com
Sat Feb 3 15:38:42 GMT 2007

Dear All,

I recently submitted a request for paid wordpress assistance. I notice that
there have been several complaints about "low-ball" requests, and I don't
want mine to fall into that category.  Could you advise me on a reasonable
price, and/or forward my request to anyone you know of who might be
interested.  I'd love to get my blog fixed, and would be willing to pay up
to $100 for it.  I feel like it should be less than that, but would pay
[slightly] more if someone can explain to me why what I'm askng for would
take more than an hour for an expert to do.]

This is the issue I'd like fixed.

Also, optionally, I'm looking for someone to provide a little consulting so
i can jazz up my blog and also streamline the posting process.
Specifically, what I'd like is a kind of hybrid wordpress/flickr effect for
each of my blog postings.  So the postign would be essentially a wordpress
blog entry, but the photos would be laid out like a flickr detail view

So each posting would be a cross between this style: www.gibblog.com and
this style: 

Note: I'm not saying it has to actually involve flickr.


John G.

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