Hello,<br>I have been testing Bosnian translation past few days using WAMP. Several messages are shown in English during the installation process and I haven't been able to figure it out how to change them into Bosnian. They appear as "Not gettexted string..." in the PO (at the bottom of file). For example, the first message when you start WordPress installation "There doesn't seem to be a <code>wp-config.php</code> file...." stays in English although I have translated it in the PO. I could translate that message inside the wp-load.php but guide for translation says that file doesn't need to be translated (just readme, wp-config-sample.php and setup-config.php). I looked in other locales and those messages are translated directly in the php files, but these files aren't in SVN (there is no wp-load in svn). <br>
<br>So, could you help me out? Is it OK that those phrases are displayed in English now and will they be somehow inserted into appropriate files when I compile installation on my locale <a href="http://wordpress.org">wordpress.org</a> site?<br>
<br>I have translated everything into Bosnian language and just want to clear this out before I ask for <a href="http://bs.wordpress.org">bs.wordpress.org</a> site and upload files in svn.<br>