[wp-polyglots] Locale files and comments_number

Pavel Hejn pavelevap at post.cz
Mon Apr 12 08:26:41 UTC 2010


there are problems with number formatting in Czech (http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/10373).
In related ticket is following reference: "in this specific case translators should add a number_format_i18n filter in the <locale>.php file and fix the problem there".
So this filter should be added to any <locale>.php file (probably cs_CZ.php)? And where should be this file located? In dist folder of i18 SVN? Sorry, but I did not find any help in Codex...

And second problem is with function comments_number.

 <?php comments_number('zero', 'one', 'more'); ?> 

In Czech there are:
zero - Žádný komentář
one - 1 komentář
BUT: two - four - 2 komentáře
5 and more - 5 komentářů

So, how to achieve our plural form? Many users ask for this in Czech translation...

Thank you for your help...

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