[wp-polyglots] Some i18n issues with development version

Francesc Hervada-Sala francesc at hervada.org
Fri Feb 15 06:48:47 GMT 2008


I have found some issues while translating the latest trunk version. See the 
list below. Is it useful such a list? Should I prepare diffs and submit them? 
Or should I wait till the beta version?

Best regards,



Based on svn repository trunk revision 6855.


$sentence = sprintf( __( 'You have %1$s, contained within %2$s and %3$s.' ), 
$post_type_text, $cats_text, $tags_text );

$post_type_text can be singular/plural, therefore the whole sentence can be 
singular/plural, too.
$sentence = sprintf( __ngettext( 'You have %1$s, contained within %2$s 
and %3$s.', 'You have %1$s, contained within %2$s and %3$s.', 
$post_type_text, $cats_text, $tags_text) );

In my language the word form "contained" in this sentence changes depending 
upon whether %1$s is singular or plural.

	<option value="0">- Select -</option>
Option caption "- Select -" not gettexted.


		echo '<input type="submit" value="Submit">'.'<br />';
Value "Submit" not gettexted.


$status_links[] = "<li><a href=\"edit.php\"$class>All Posts</a>";
String "All Posts" not gettexted.


at many admin pages for managing posts/pages you have to click the post title 
to edit it. But if a particular post has no title (i.e. a draft without 
title) you cannot edit it from the admin pages.



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