[wp-polyglots] access to repository

Nikolay Bachiyski nbachiyski at developer.bg
Wed Feb 6 13:45:33 GMT 2008

2008/2/6, Renato Covarrubias <rnt at bla.cl>:

Hello Renato,

> I have the file ready for release es_ES.po based on trunk of wordpress.pot
> I don't see movement in the Spanish team.

Have you talked to the any of authors of translations for the latest
WP versions? I found several in the Codex [0]. You should also contact
the current committer: pandem <pandemtandem at gmail.com>

> What should I do to have access to the branch es_ES ?
> In the wordpress.org forum my login is: rnt

Let's wait for a copule of days for pandem's answer -- I am sure we
will find a way to both use your translation and do no disrupt the
current team policies.

Thank you for the interest in translating WordPress,

[0] http://codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_in_Your_Language#Spanish_-_Espa.C3.B1ol_.28es_ES.29

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