[wp-polyglots] Error in pot file - Some messages have 2 plural forms

Nikolay Bachiyski nbachiyski at developer.bg
Sun Sep 9 08:26:15 GMT 2007

2007/9/9, Hasan Karaboga <hasan at teknoseyir.com>:
> Hi,
Hello Hasan,

> I'm the Turkish translator of WordPress. I've updated the .po file to the
> .pot file of 2.3 beta.
> After saving the file, Poedit gives an error: "... but some messages have 2
> plural forms"
> Plural form of the file is: nplurals=1; plural=0;
> for Turkish; as indicated in the manual:
> http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/html_chapter/gettext_10.html
> Do you know the reason of that error message?

Somehow in you po file a second plural form had sneaked for an entry.
Open your po file with a plain text editor, search for lines staring
with: msgstr[1] and delete them. Then you can open the file with
poedit and continue translating :-)

Happy translating,

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