[wp-polyglots] Trying to translate a plugin

Karl Wångstedt kalle at wangstedt.net
Tue Feb 28 13:12:09 GMT 2006

28 feb 2006 kl. 13.43 skrev Pandem:

> As i18n of plugins and themes is becoming quite common, it would  
> probably be a good idea to have a /languages subfolder and make  
> this function point to that by default. It would help both plugin  
> developers and users.

I second that. That would perhaps also make the plugin authors who  
don't i18n currently to be aware of the possibility to do so as well.

Maybe even have ALL languages files moved to (perhaps) /wp-content/ 
languages to keep them all in one place.

Karl Wångstedt
W W W . W A N G S T E D T . N E T

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