[wp-polyglots] Trying to translate a plugin

Pandem pandemtandem at gmail.com
Tue Feb 28 11:26:34 GMT 2006

Karl Wångstedt escribió:
> 28 feb 2006 kl. 09.43 skrev Pandem:
>> I think the second argument for load_plugin_textdomain() is not 
>> needed if you place the mo file in the same directory as the plugin 
>> file.
> It was. I didn't get it to work without it. Se my response to Stefano. 
> (I still could be something I have missed, though...)
Well, I have this and many other plugins installed and localized this 
way, and all of them, included wp-contacform, get translated correctly...

Oh, now I see my error, the mo file must be under the main /plugins 
directory in order to work without specifying the second argument.

Sorry if I mislead you and others...

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