[wp-polyglots] plugin translation

Stefano steagl at people.it
Mon Aug 7 09:13:49 GMT 2006

On Mon, 7 Aug 2006 08:59:43 +0200, Ralf Schmitt
<ralf.schmitt at schlund.de> wrote:

>I don't realy understand what you mean! I've looked deeper into some
>plugins and some parts of wordpress. I found localized plugins which don't use
>gettext. They have an own copy for each language what is not nice but a work 
>around for the 'description' problem.

This is not THE solution, using gettext for them and plugins is a
standard method, but I admint the "header" of theme and plugin (this
particulary) is a problem, but I think we could find a solution like
having this header with field shown in the plugin page in WP iwith
specifica language tag and WP will show according the language

>I've planned to write a minimal wordpress patch which greps, depending on the
>actual local, Description_fr_FR  or Description_de_DE and so on...
>If there are any news from Matt about this issue please drop a mail to the 

This path will be very welcome I think, I hope Matt or Ryan will read
this in next few days and answerr or I will post the question to
hacker mailing list


Stefano Aglietti - StallonIt on IRCnet - ICQ#: 2078431
Email: steve at 40annibuttati.it steagl at people.it
Sites: http://www.40annibuttati.it (personal blog)
       http://www.wordpress-it.it (WordPress Italia)

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