[wp-hackers] Seeking feedback on Plugins UI

DD32 wordpress at dd32.id.au
Fri Jun 6 08:05:36 GMT 2008

On Fri, 06 Jun 2008 10:04:11 +1000, RD Welch <rd_wp_lists at leafbank.com>  

> Instead of background colors, which have at least one drawback --
> accessibility (colorblindness, other limited vision conditions depending
> on the colors used and level of contrast), I think that simple icons
> accompanied by a short text label would probably be more efficient.

I was thinking of changing the Actions column to say:

"Compatible; Install"
"Tested with 2.5; Install"
"Requires WordPress 2.9"

Maybe with some icons too.

> For a "Compatible?" column, a few simple icons could be used: (1) a
> green check-mark if the plugin is compatible with the user's current
> version; (2) The WordPress Circle "W" logo with an arrow pointing up if
> the user would have to upgrade to the current version of WordPress; (3)
> A "prohibited" icon (a circle with a slash through it) if the plugin is
> not compatible with the user's current version and no newer version
> exists; and (4) a question mark if compatibility has not been checked.

There was a Icon in the 2.5 Status column for a day or 2, But IIRC Matt  
removed it (As well as the issue it wasnt under an licence that was  
I do think a icon would be nice, But So far i've not seen *any* icon sets  
which i think work in the WordPress admin.. (And convey the meaning  
without me having to hover for a title)

> I was wondering if there's any traction for modifying the existing
> Plugin Management table by hiding the options for each plugin via
> JavaScript -- similar to how the "Write Page" part of the Administration
> Panel has collapsed boxes under the "Advanced Options" heading.
> This enhanced UI would be equally appropriate for what DD32 is currently
> working on: integrated plugin installation. Applying this enhancement to
> his plugin search results pages, just the basic information can be
> listed on the first line/row: name, version, author(s), what the plugin
> does, and compatibility. The second "row" can contain a longer
> description, any important notes, extra links, etc.

That does sound useable, My only thought is what about those that do not  
have Javascript enabled? Are the rows allways visible? If thats the case,  
Then it'd cause a jumping effect as the JS hides the extra rows on  

But it would also allow more links relating to the plugin
Rating | Downloads: 1234 | Last-updated: 2002-03-45
Plugin Homepage | WordPress.org Plugin Homepage | Author Page

> All in all, I think that this would be a solid UI enhancement, which
> increases the usability and simplicity of the Plugin Management table as
> well as the new integrated search results page(s) for plugins.  If there
> is traction,  then I'd be fine with digging into the code and doing as
> much of the groundwork as I could for DD32 or whoever the lead person
> for this improvement would be.

I think a combination could work:
Current layout for Static items
Hover over the row for a few ms, and a extra box pops up(fades in?) that  
allows you to view the rating, the downloads, extra links, etc.
Maybe? But i'm also thinking that might be too much.. Or it might not be  
as useable as having to hover over stuff all the time gets anoying

I personally like the 3 tables, However now see that There are some people  
who would have a hard time with it.
One of the reasons i split it was to allow for the bulk managing, You dont  
Activate an allready active plugin, And you dont want to Delete an Active  

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