[wp-hackers] Upgrade instructions fatally flawed for Mac

André Schieleit wphackerslist at anschitech.de
Thu Jan 18 22:40:23 GMT 2007

Am 18.01.2007 um 23:06 schrieb Lloyd Budd:

> Your change is greatly appreciated, but it also does not address any
> fundamental problem -- are  specific instructions desirable for a
> particularly environment?
> I specifically had hoped to clarify why some people think Mac OS X
> only knows how to overwrite folders. What are the steps to duplicate
> the problem?
This problem only exists when copying folders using Finder.

When using Terminal and the cp command existing files will be left  
I did a quick test in Terminal:

/* create two directories with the same name in different locations */
 > mkdir -p mytest
 > mkdir -p mytest1/mytest

/* populate the directories with some files */
 > f=1;while (($f<5));do touch mytest/$f.txt;((f=$f+1));done
 > f=1;while (($f<5));do touch mytest1/mytest/new$f.txt;((f=$f+1));done

/* copy the second directory to the location of the first directory */
 > cp -R mytest1/mytest .

/* list the content of the first directory */
 > ls mytest/
1.txt  2.txt  3.txt  4.txt  new1.txt  new2.txt  new3.txt  new4.txt

So you see: the files created in the first directory are still there.
Tested on Mac OS X 10.4.8 in Terminal


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