[wp-hackers] Checking plugins versions

Alex Günsche ag.ml2007 at zirona.com
Tue Jan 2 15:21:15 GMT 2007

On Tue, 2007-01-02 at 06:39 -0800, Russ Gilman-Hunt wrote:
> Could we, perhaps, use RSS to accomplish the same thing? If we used
> ATOM, we could even include a patch as an attachment. Your meta-plugin
> could work similarily to an aggregating service like feedburner. That
> way we don't have yet-another-XML-Specification.

I agree with you that an existing specification should be prefered,
given it meets the requirements for such a framework.

Appending patches sounds like a great idea, although I'm afraid this
would produce complications with file permissions (especially with
novice users). It also could potentially cause a variety of security

However, I would happily proceed working on the plugin; but if
Automattic says they are working on a core implementation, I don't see
the sense of further programming this plugin. (Actually, the reason why
I stopped developing it in the first time is because there was this
confusion about who already works on such an implementation.) Therefore
I'd like to wait for a clear signal, whether such a plugin is desired or
not. Of course, I could go on, and the code could be later merged with
another implementation, be it a plugin or in the core.


Alex Günsche, http://www.zirona.com/
Public GPG-Key: http://www.zirona.com/misc/ag.ml2007.asc

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