[wp-hackers] feed:http://address problem

Randy Peterman randy at randypeterman.com
Wed May 18 19:30:57 GMT 2005

Stefano wrote:

>Il Wed, 18 May 2005 11:02:00 -0700, Matthew Mullenweg
><m at mullenweg.com> scrive:
>>Safari RSS, most feed aggregators, the Yahoo toolbar, etc all either 
>>register the feed: protocal or plan to in the future. Chances are if you 
>>have an aggregator that link works far better than dumping you on a 
>>screen with a bunch of XML. If your aggregator doesn't support feed: I 
>>would file a bug with them.
>RSS Ownl and FeedDemon doens't recongise it too, and if other plans in
>the future means that's not a widespread standard, so adopting it now
>willm ake just people get confusing, asking why the feeds for XYZ blog
>doesn't works etc etc.
>Maybe this would be better to be implemented in few months when it's
>more supported.
FeedDemon should recognize the protocol, what version are you using?.  
Nick was one of the major proponents for this change.  It helps 
FeedDemon know that it's a feed rather than trying to second-guess every 
XML file as an RSS document or not.


Randy Peterman
Digital Research & Development
randy at randypeterman.com

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