[wp-forums] Venting/joke

Jackie McBride abletec at gmail.com
Fri Sep 26 20:05:37 UTC 2014

I'm sorry, yall--I just had to--I really needed to vent.

Newswire, September 26, 2014

Wordpress, the blogging platform that now hosts over 20% of the
world's websites, has taken a decisive step today in hopes of reducing
the number of websites that are being hacked.

"We have sadly concluded," a spokesperson explained, "that not all
people are actually capable of hosting or maintaining a website, & we
wanted to help bring these people up to speed before they ever put a
site on the internet, or, if necessary, eliminate them altogether."

To that end, WordPress has made answering a single question correctly
a requirement before WordPress can be downloaded. The question is
true/false, & asks the prospective downloader:
It's ok to post credentials, such as database details & CPanel
usernames & passwords, to forums & mailing lists, because the people
who are trying to help you need them."

Those who answer the question incorrectly will be taken to:
where they will be given some lessons on how to keep their site from
being hacked. These lessons will include the value of strong passwords
& how to create them, keeping a malware-free computer, & admonitions
on not posting credentials in forums or mailing lists. "There will be
a timer, so that the person wishing to download WordPress will not be
able to leave the page for 10 minutes, in hopes that this will further
emphasize the importance of reading the material," the anonymous
WordPress spokesperson said. "We'd really like to reduce the number of
hacks on websites employing WordPress, & we think this is a good

"I personally think WordPress should be commended for this bold,
forward-thinking move," the author of a well-known security blog, who
wished to remain anonymous, said of this new policy. "I think we'll
find that over the long haul, this should greatly diminish the number
of websites being compromised that use the WordPress platform."

This article appeared in AbleTec's Annals, a totally satirical &
cathartic collection of musings on all things tech. You can follow
AbleTec on Twitter at @abletec or on facebook at

Jackie McBride
Author of the Upcoming Book
"Beyond Baffled: the Technophobe's Guide to Creating a Website"
www.brighter-vision.com Where Visionaries & Technology Unite
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