[wp-forums] Highlighting great answers

Josh Lobe joshlobe at joshlobe.com
Tue May 27 19:27:23 UTC 2014

Understood; perfectly.
Thanks Mika.

(is it okay to use real names around here?)
(or is it more 'correct' to use WPORG names?)

*Josh Lobe*
WP Edit Pro <http://wpeditpro.com>
Personal Website <http://www.joshlobe.com>

On 5/27/2014 3:24 PM, Ipstenu the Half-Elf wrote:
> Josh Lobe wrote:
>> So, do we (as mods) allow people to 'pile on problems' to existing
>> topics, or encourage them to create their own topics?
> The latter, but gently and not always. The moment someone says "I have 
> the same problem BUT..." or "Me too, except that.." I tell them to 
> make a new topic, and try to point out that helping multiple people in 
> one forum thread is really hard to give anyone great support. 
> Sometimes, though, it IS the same problem.
> It's an experience/judgement thing.
> That said, when I see someone reply a 'Me too!' on a 9+ month old 
> post, where both plugin/theme and WP are upgraded, I tend to reply 
> "Please make a new topic, after upgrading everything." and close it, 
> since rarely is that ever actually a same problem.
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