[wp-forums] Introduction

Mark Riley mark at automattic.com
Thu May 8 10:59:37 UTC 2014


I am on rotation from Automattic for the 4 / 4.01 cycle and I will be
involved in various aspects of Support one of which is the forums.

One area I would like to look at is the questions that the people who have
moved from wordpress.com to self-hosted are coming to the forums with.
If wordpress.com can better prepare them then they should need to take less
of the forum time and if they have specific needs then docs could be
prepared around those which helps them, helps others and therefore helps
the forums and WordPress as a whole.

I am not saying that I want to answer them all. In fact where questions
involve themes I probably do not have the answer. But I would like to read
and collate all the issues. Could I ask that if you see an issue from a
former wordpress.com user that you tag it for me? I suppose the tag ‘mark’
would do.

By the way, I used to be known as (and still answer to) Podz - my Profile:
On irc I am markr. Feel free to ping me at any time and ask any questions
if you have them.



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