[wp-forums] Coding user

Mika Epstein ipstenu at halfelf.org
Sun Mar 9 01:32:11 UTC 2014

His email is fuck at wp.com

I don't think sense is going to be expected.

Sent on my iPhone 

> On Mar 8, 2014, at 4:36 PM, andrew nevins <andrew.nevins.misc at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm 7 hours behind, Jan :)
>> On Sun, Mar 9, 2014 at 12:33 AM, Jan Dembowski <jan at dembowski.net> wrote:
>> andrew nevins wrote:
>>> You know how we say to people that they were caught in the spam queue? It
>>> is true because they actually were caught in the spam queue, but we never
>>> tell them why they are being caught. As in, we never tell someone directly
>>> that they were doing something slightly negative and were tagged. Should
>>> we? Maybe if they know the reason why they are being caught they will be
>>> more understanding (or maybe they won't)?Or maybe this approach has been
>>> tried before and it didn't work?
>> I don't think telling the member that they're being mod watched will move
>> the conversation forward but honesty is the best policy. If you want to
>> inform people they're caught in the queue for that reason then please use
>> diplomatic language and escalate to the list if it turns badly.
>> While I'm 99.44% sure that a moderator had coded that account, until I
>> turned on "Akismet Never Trust" I'm not 100% sure it wasn't the spam filter
>> that added the b'code.
>> Or it could have been a moderator who didn't add that second option. The
>> user's been abusive before so that's possible.
>> Even though we can empathise with him because I'm sure we've all been
>>> caught in the spam queue and can remember what it's like when you're
>>> ignorant of any process, I still think his disgruntled posts were pretty
>>> disgusting. If they were directed at any one person I would probably block
>>> him.
>> I wish I'd looked at that member's profile first before replying. Had I
>> seen that I would have just blocked the account.
>> Let's see how or even if that member replies. If it's more of the same
>> then that account is getting blocked.
>> Thanks,
>> Jan Dembowski
>> P.S. Someday we ought to talk/joke about follow the sun support. What time
>> is it where you are Andrew? It's 7:30 PM in NY. ;)
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