[wp-forums] Keeping an eye on this member

Jan Dembowski jan at dembowski.net
Sat Jun 7 14:16:45 UTC 2014

Good morning,

I'm placing this user on moderation watch.


This is a another account for this one.


If the forum member wants to use a new account and abandon the old one 
(which seems to be the case) then that's fine.

What's not fine in that this user apparently likes to get into lengthy 
and draining conversation that don't seem to go anywhere and just go 
round and round.


If a moderator wants to re-open that topic and reply then I'm fine with 
it. But after many years of that user I am really confident it will not 
end well. Again. Repeatedly. In triplicate. *Looks for coffee and 
possibly something stronger*

Security questions and concerns are valid but circling the drain and 
never getting anywhere sure isn't. Also the negativity isn't a helpful 
thing either.

If that member wants to contribute in a positive way then those posts 
will be approved. If the member just wants to rain more gloom and 
doom... I don't see the point.


Jan Dembowski

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