[wp-forums] Using the forums for contacting people outside of the forums

Jan Dembowski jan at dembowski.net
Mon Jan 27 02:05:00 UTC 2014

Good evening,

Sanity check time and I'd appreciate some input.


A user posted an email address for contacting that user off of the forums.
The email was redacted and a note was posted.

The other user questioned it and I replied. This user.


I posted why it's discouraged and copied Otto's explanation from a previous
thread.  The user then claimed to work for WooThemes. Which maybe true but
I don't know him from Adam and said so.

It pretty much went downhill from there with

If you're not here to help then leave the thread as you're not doing a good
> job at moderating and you're rude. I will be sure to report you.

I guess I'm on report. All that sidekick experience down the drain.

*Jan resists the urge to monologue more.*

Rather than continue to get into it I'm punting here. If anyone wants to
chime in I'm not really in the shape to explain it anymore.


Jan Dembowski

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