[wp-forums] Blocked user will not accept being blocked

Otto otto at ottodestruct.com
Tue Feb 11 22:04:01 UTC 2014

IP bans are not very effective, really. Also, that is outside my immediate
control, I'd have to ask systems to do something about it for that, and
they're frankly very busy as is.

However, I have considered putting in something to block "anonymous email"
services from registering accounts.

It doesn't happen often, but when people start registering multiple
accounts like this (aka, being dicks), then it would be nice to just add
whatever temp-email provider they're using to a list and prevent it from
ever being used again.

It is rare that somebody keeps this sort of thing up long term.


On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 3:47 PM, Jen Mylo <jenmylo at wordpress.org> wrote:

> IP ban was my thought as well. It's fine to ask the /meta team (or Otto)
> to nab things like this when there's a repeat offender that is distracting
> from supporting others.
> j

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