[wp-forums] Just an example...

Mika Epstein ipstenu at halfelf.org
Wed Feb 5 15:29:38 UTC 2014

Supposedly he's also calling pioneers company and leaving threatening voice mails.

I missed that get laid comment when I was trying to see if Pioneer was harassing cwhateverhisnameis last night. FWIW by replying to your harasser in public, you violate pretty much any law suit you might have in the works. First thing any lawyer tells you? Shut the f up and stop talking.

Source? I have two restraining orders out on people who've called my house about stupid stuff like this.

That's why I told them both to stop, though. But if it's escalated, we need to step the hell out of the situation, lest we too become legally culpable. Don't allow them to air their laundry here.

Keep pioneer in mod watch land.

> On Feb 4, 2014, at 9:24 PM, Otto <otto at ottodestruct.com> wrote:
> *This* is over the line.
> https://wordpress.org/support/topic/pharma-hack-attack?replies=14&view=all#post-5189261
> Don't care how sarcastic somebody is, that's too far. CB12061977 is
> blocked, and will stay that way.
> Use your own best judgement people. I'm okay with common sense.
> -Otto
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