[wp-forums] The "moderator" hat

Otto otto at ottodestruct.com
Thu Apr 24 22:02:37 UTC 2014

On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 2:50 PM, it's EMG <its.emg at gmail.com> wrote:

> Related, I was wondering if there might be a way for us to help tag/prefix
> threads (is that what it's called?) with better tags.
> For example - and I have noticed this a lot - we will have people posting a
> question about images not showing up and it's posted in one of the general
> forums... And it turns out the issue is related to either a specific theme
> or plugin or both.
> If I can still help regardless of the specifity of the question, I will of
> course try, but what is frustrating is when I know a theme or plugin author
> could probably better help...
> But because the thread doesn't have a better label (eg: posted to the
> theme's own support area), it tends to be overlooked by the people who
> would best suited to help.
> I can't wave the person(s) over, so I've been tagging the threads using the
> tag-tags in hopes of adding specifity and just trying to help in general.
>  If applicable, I also link them to the better-suited section (like, plugin
> specific) and some similar threads... But it feels rather inadequate.

Note that for plugins that were posted to the wrong plugin "sub"-forum,
mods have the ability to fix the slug in the right hand column. Caveats:
This only works for plugins, and only for plugins that were posted from a
plugin's sub-area.

I'll look into expanding the existing tool to handle this case, and into
handling themes properly too.



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